
The opposite of Peer (see page 130 the Acolyte is particularly despised and possibly hunted by a specific social group or organisation, heretical cult, or xenos race. He suffers an additional –10 penalty to Fellowship and Influence tests when dealing with this group, and the GM can use them to complicate his life from time to time.
Unlike other talents, Enemy does not cost any xp to purchase and cannot be taken as an advance. Instead the GM and player can agree to award it when appropriate to the adventure or campaign. It can be removed with the approval of the GM, if the character has redeemed himself with the group in question.
The Enemy talent can be awarded multiple times for the same group, in which case it should be listed as Enemy (X), with X equalling the number of times the talent has been awarded. This can be used to represent groups who particularly hate the Acolyte and want to see him dead.
In game terms, the penalty to Fellowship tests increases to –10 times X.
Tier: 1
Prerequisite: None
Aptitudes: General, Social
Specialisations: Academics, Adepta Sororitas, Adeptus Arbites, Adeptus Mechanicus, Administratum, Astropaths, Ecclesiarchy, Government, Imperial Guard, Imperial Navy, Inquisition, Military, Navigators, Nobility, Rogue Trader, Underworld, Workers, Bad Moons, Blood Axes, Death Skulls, Evil Sunz, Goffs, Snakebites, Freebooterz