
Many weapons are designed to be fired in high arcs at unseen foes or thrown from protective cover at charging enemies. Indirect weapons do not require line of sight to their target, but the attacker must still be aware of his intended target’s location, either through last known position, use of a spotter, or other means.
When making any ranged attack action (Standard Attack, Semi-Auto Burst, or Full Auto Burst) with an Indirect weapon, the attack does not have to target a location in line of sight of the active player, but is made at a –10 penalty and requires a Full Action instead of the normal Half Action. The GM makes the final determination on whether the character is aware of his target’s location, and can add penalties to this ranged attack based on how aware the character is of his target.
For each hit the ranged attack inflicts, roll once on the Scatter Diagram (see page 230). The hit instead strikes the ground at a location a number of metres away from the intended target, in the direction rolled on the Scatter Diagram, equal to 1d10 minus the firer’s Ballistic Skill bonus (to a minimum of zero).
If the ranged attack fails, or if the Semi-Auto Burst or Full Auto Burst actions fail to achieve the maximum potential hits, the remaining missed hits—up to the maximum potential hits for the rate of fire used in the attack—are still fired, but miss their target. For each missed hit, roll once on the Scatter Diagram. The hit instead strikes the ground at a location Xd10 metres away from the intended target in the direction rolled on the Scatter Diagram, where X is equal to the number in parentheses (X).