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(Int) Advanced

Augury is an Advanced Skill. It is the ability to glean insights into the future. There are many methods by which a person can use this Skill, but some of the most common in the Old World are:
  • Priests of Morr or Sisters of Sigmar receiving prophetic visions or interpreting dreams.
  • Celestial Wizards reading the future in the stars.
  • Mystics using tools such as cards or dice to tell fortunes.
  • Consulting the Thaumodivinator in Altdorf.
  • Consorting with Daemons such as Kairos Fateweaver or a Keepers of Secrets.
A Character can make a single Augury Test once per day. Characters may also make Augury Tests on behalf of others, but usefully communicating prophetic insights is complicated. These Tests are Difficult (–10) Augury Tests.

The GM should decide what information to provide a successful Augury Test. With a success, the augur could discern likely plot developments or a key NPC’s motivations. Failures result in misleading and often dangerous misinformation. If the GM does not want to give away such information, there is a system for using augury in a more symbolic way as an alternative.

Consult the Augury Table to determine the effect of fortune telling. After determining the result, roll or choose from the Symbol Table. If you roll the same symbol more than once, the subsequent rolls are wasted — Augury is fickle in that way. You may not choose reversed symbols.

Take note of any symbols and related Tests generated through successful Augury Tests. After receiving an augury, a Character may benefit from +1 SL (or –1 SL if they prefer) to the first Test they take related to the Skill listed in the Symbol Table. This represents a forewarning regarding such activities.

The GM makes note of any reversals that result from failed Augury Tests. A –1 SL penalty is imposed to the first Test that relates to reversals, as the Character is misled due to their impaired understanding of the future. If multiple Skills are listed, the Character benefits (or suffers from) the effects once for each Skill.

+6 or more Astounding Success Choose two symbols from the Symbol Table.
+4 to +5 Impressive Success Roll twice on the Symbol Table.
+2 to +3 Success Choose a symbol from the Symbol Table.
+0 to +1 Marginal Success Roll once on the Symbol Table.
–0 to –1 Marginal Failure No information is received.
–2 to –3 Failure Roll once on the Symbol Table. The symbol is reversed.
–4 to –5 Impressive Failure Roll twice on the Symbol Table. The symbols are reversed.
–6 or Less Astounding Failure Roll three times on the Symbol Table. The symbols are reversed.
RollSymbolCommon MeaningsRelated Tests
1 Morrslieb Misfortune, Chaos Perception.
Reversed: Tests made to resist Corruption.
2 Morr Death, Dreams Intuition.
Reversed: Intuition.
3 Ulric Battle, Wolves, Winter Charm Animal, Endurance, Outdoor Survival.
Reversed: Ranged (Blackpowder) Tests. Tests made to resist Prejudice or Animosity.
4 The Tower Hubris, Hidden Threat Bribery, Stealth.
Reversed: Perception.
5 Sigmar Victory, Unity, Hope Leadership.
Reversed: Channelling.
6 Ace of Hammers Defiance of Evil Melee (Any). Tests made to resist Corruption.
Reversed: Ranged (Any), Charm.
7 Verena Justice, Wisdom Charm Tests made to convince a person of the truth. Lore (Any). Reversed: Pick Lock, Sleight of Hand, Channelling (Ulgu).
8 Blitzbeil Strength, Ferocity Tests to enter Frenzy. Melee (Basic).
Reversed: Gossip Tests. Haggle Tests.
9 The Fortress Fortitude, Safety Melee (Basic) Tests made to oppose attacks.
Reversed: Athletics, Climb.
10 The Daemon Manipulation, Danger Channelling, Charm, Language (Magick).
Reversed: Leadership.

Augury and Existing Careers

The following Careers should have access to the Augury Skill at Tier 1: Mystic, Nun (provided they have the Bless (Sigmar), Bless (Morr), Invoke (Sigmar) or Invoke (Morr) Talents), Priest (provided they have the Bless (Morr) or Invoke (Morr) Talents), and Warrior Priest (provided they have the Bless (Morr) or Invoke (Morr) Talents).

Any Character with the Arcane Lore (Daemonology) Talent may learn the Augury Skill to represent consulting with Daemons about their fate. However, every time such a Character rolls The Daemon on the Symbol Table, they suffer from Moderate Exposure to Corruption (WFRP, page 182).

A Character may not possess both the Augury Skill and the Psychometry Skill. Only Humans and Elves may take this Skill.

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