Fellowship of the Shroud Organization in Warhammer Fantacy | World Anvil
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Fellowship of the Shroud

Tilea, where the cult of Morr is strong, is the home of the Vampire Hunters who call themselves the Fellowship of the Shroud. The companions of the Fellowship have chapterhouses in other nations, as well, and in the Empire, they are based in Essen and Siegfriedhof. The Imperial chapter of this unofficial branch of the cult, who operate without the sanction of Morr’s priests, call themselves the High and Chivalric Order of Deserved Rest, though they are known to most as the Raven Knights for the symbols they decorate their armour with. They are dedicated to destroying all Undead wherever they find them, but many are dedicated specifically to the destruction of Vampires. They welcome any devout foe of the Undead to their order, whether soldier or academic.
Secret, Occult
Related Professions
Controlled Territories
Notable Members
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