Katerina Character in Warhammer Fantacy | World Anvil
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Katerina is a young woman of the provincial Empire. The daughter of Justine, a former servant at the local castle who fled into the wild after being raped by the lord's son, she bears the same white stripe in her hair as her mother. When she was just a child her village was razed by beastmen, who inexplicably spared her because of her hair. Gotrek and Felix, following the trail of the herd responsible for the destruction, found her amongst the ruins and took her to the nearest town, which they helped defend against the beastmen. The beastmen were led by Justine herself, who had become a Chaos Champion devoted to Khorne using the hatred she felt after her rape and had returned to take revenge on her rapist, conquering his castle with her beastmen and impaling him on the bed where he forced her. The beastmen attack on the town was ultimately thwarted when Katerina herself stabbed her mother from behind, preventing her from killing Felix. Though she begged to come with them, Gotrek and Felix left her behind as they continued on their adventures.

Years later Katerina crossed paths with the duo again as they undertook a quest in the northern Empire so Felix could earn his sword back. Now a young woman and skilled fighter devoted to killing beastmen, Katerina was able to help them in their battle against a vast herd of the mutated beasts and after some persuasion took Felix, whom she had always admired, as her lover. She now accompanies the pair on their adventures.
White Stripe in Her Hair
'Trollslayer' by William King
'Shamanslayer' by Nathan Long

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