Language in Warhammer Fantacy | World Anvil
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(Int) Advanced, Grouped

The Language Skill grants you access to extra languages beyond your native tongue. All characters are automatically assumed to be able to speak ‘Reikspiel’ — the language of the Empire — and their native language (if your character has one different to Reikspiel), without ever having to Test. If your game is not set in the Empire, replace Reikspiel with the local language.

If you possess a Language Skill, you are generally able to make yourself understood in that language, or to understand simple concepts. You will be asked to Test your Language Skill when a particularly difficult concept must be conveyed, or an obscure dialect or vocabulary is employed.

Note: Language (Magick) is used to cast spells and may occasionally be Tested, with… unpleasant consequences if failed. Refer to Chapter 8: Magic, for more on this.

Specialisations: Battle Tongue, Bretonnian, Classical, Guilder, Khazalid, Magick, Thief, Tilean, Wastelander

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