Max Schreiber Character in Warhammer Fantacy | World Anvil
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Max Schreiber

Maximillian 'Max' Schreiber

Max's life was like most childhoods in the Empire with one exception; his entire family were killed by Beastmen. So from that day forward Max vowed to learn the dark secrets of Chaos and use this knowledge to combat it. Eventually he began to learn at the College of Magic in Altdorf. After many years he learned a good deal of magic, but was kicked out for "heresy" after having to much of an interest in forbidden knowledge. So he decided to use his magic for a living; warding various things for those who could pay.
Year of Birth
2471 IC 52 Years old
Aligned Organization
'Daemonslayer' by William King
'Dragonslayer' by William King
'Beastslayer' by William King
'Vampireslayer' by William King
'Giantslayer' by William King
'Elfslayer' by Nathan Long
'Kinslayer' by David Guymer

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