Mordin Harginsson Character in Warhammer Fantacy | World Anvil
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Mordin Harginsson

Karaz Ankor Ambassador

When Bruni Gromsson returned to the Imperial Court, he faced a fresh challenge in the form of the new ambassador from Karaz Ankor. Mordin Harginsson, kinsman of High King Thorgrim, presented his credentials to Emperor Karl-Franz during Bruni’s absence. The brash and younger Mordin replaced the gruff-mannered Brogar Stromnisson, who had decided to return to Karaz-a-Karak to live out the rest of his days. Mordin is dismissive of Dwarfs who make their home in Altdorf. He thinks them too Manling-like in attitude. Mordin also believes his position gives him rank over ambassadors from other Dwarf holds, and he is not shy about acting on his views.
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