Morkar the Uniter Character in Warhammer Fantacy | World Anvil
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Morkar the Uniter

Morkar, also called "Morkar the Uniter," was the first Everchosen of Chaos Undivided. A tribal chieftain of the Norsii, Morkar received the blessings of the Chaos Gods and launched an invasion of the early Empire of Man in 1 IC but was ultimately slain in single combat by Sigmar himself.


Born of the Taalos Tribe of southern Norsca, Morkar bore witness to the complete destruction of his home village when Sigmar, then the king of the Unberogens, in retaliation for the Norsii's invasions of his own peoples' territory a few years prior, led a genocidal campaign to stamp out the threat of the Norsii once and for all, as well as to seek out the traitor Gerreon who had fled to the north. After many villages were razed to the ground, Morkar's tribe was the last to face Sigmar's wrath.[1a]

It was with great irony then that the last Norsii village Sigmar and his warriors put to the torch was home to the man he had long sought after. Yet, due to the king's hesitation to slay his former friend, Gerreon escaped once more. With him went a young boy, the only other survivor of the village, who would in his later years become a greater warrior than Gerreon would ever be during his mortal life, before his later ascension to become the Slaaneshi Daemon Prince Azazel. This boy was named Morkar. Had his friend Wolfgart not pushed Sigmar to abandon the chase of the pair, perhaps the greatest threat Sigmar ever faced could have been averted.
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