Necromancer Profession in Warhammer Fantacy | World Anvil
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T1 T1 T3 T4 T2 T1

Career Path

T1 Cursed Aspirant — Brass 1

Skills: Channelling (Dhar), Cool, Endurance, Entertain (Acting), Intimidate, Language (Magick), Lore (Undead), Stealth (Any)
Talents: Instinctive Diction, Petty Magic, Read/Write, Secret Identity or Beneath Notice
Trappings: Candles, Grimoire

T2 Necromancer — Brass 2

Skills: Dodge, Intuition, Melee (Basic or Brawling), Melee (Polearm), Perception, Research
Talents: Arcane Magic (Necromancy), Night Vision, Resistance (Disease), Second Sight
Trappings: Backpack, Robes, Pointed Hat, Quarterstaff or Scythe

T3 Deathmaster — Brass 3

Skills: Channelling (Shyish), Language (Any), Lore (Dark Magic), Ride (Horse)
Talents: Arcane Magic (Death), Fast Hands, Frightening, Magical Sense
Trappings: Bone Charms, Magical Item, Skull

T4 Master Necromancer — Brass 5

Skills: Language (Nehekharan), Lore (Magic)
Talents: Aethyric Attunement, Iron Will, Strong-minded, War Wizard
Trappings: Apprentice, Disdain for the Living, Lair

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Generic article | May 10, 2024

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