Priest of Solkan Profession in Warhammer Fantacy | World Anvil
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Priest of Solkan

WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel
T2 T1 T1 T4 T1 T3

Career Path

T1 Acolyte — Brass 2

Skills: Athletics, Cool, Endurance, Intimidate, Intuition, Lore (Theology), Outdoor Survival, Perception, Pray, Research
Talents: Bless (Solkan), Holy Visions, Read/Write, Strong Minded
Trappings: Hand Weapon, Symbol of Solkan, Wooden Mask

T2 Priest — Silver 1

Skills: Art (Writing), Gossip, Language (Classical), Leadership, Lore (Politics), Melee (Basic)
Talents: Etiquette (Cultists), Hatred (Chaos), Impassioned Zeal, Invoke (Solkan)
Trappings: Ceremonial Robes, Goldplated Mask, Staff of Law or Sundial

T3 Inquisitor — Silver 3

Skills: Language (Estalian or Tilean), Lore (Chaos), Lore (Torture), Ride (Horse)
Talents: Acute Sense (Any), Holy Hatred, Menacing, Strong-minded
Trappings: Black Inqusitor’s Attire, Entourage of Acolytes, Instruments of Torture, Riding Horse

T4 Grand Inquisitor — Silver 5

Skills: Charm, Entertain (Speeches)
Talents: Fearless (Magic Users), Iron Will, Pure Soul, Resistance (Any)
Trappings: High Quality Robes, Replica of Solkan’s Amulet, Temple

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Generic article | Apr 19, 2024

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