Princess Katerina Todbringer Character in Warhammer Fantacy | World Anvil
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Princess Katerina Todbringer

the Princess

Princess Katerina Todbringer is the second child of Boris Todbringer, born out of wedlock from a lady at court. A sweet-natured but rather unimaginative young lady, whilst most people who meet the princess consider her beautiful and charming, many consider her distracted and incurious — a bit of a bore. She is an active socialite and patron of many artistic and charitable endeavours in Middenheim. Undeniably beautiful, the heirs of many noble lines have sought to court her favour, though none can honestly boast to have won her heart.
Although she loves music, sculpture, gardens, flowers, and other pretty things, she finds Matters of State unbearably tedious and no business for a Princess!

She is often described as the Princess but has no official title.

She is very interested in good works and is a prominent patron, via her Ladies in Waiting, of the orphanage run by the Temple of Shallya as well as the patroness of several artistic and charitable organisations in the city.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Katarina is petite with delicate hands and feet, strawberry blonde hair, light-blue eyes and a small dimple on her chin.


Contacts & Relations

Current Location
Date of Birth
c2503 IC
Strawberry Blonde
Aligned Organization
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