Valancourt of Nuln Character in Warhammer Fantacy | World Anvil
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Valancourt of Nuln

Notable Myrmidian strategists tend to devote themselves to understanding the grand sweep of war, how best to deploy an army, position a battalion, or utilise a regiment. The training of individual soldiers is considered important, but Valancourt of Nuln is unusual in that he has dedicated his life to the pursuit of expertise in the strategy and mastery of single combat. He is one of the most sought-after tutors of fencing in the Old World, and his students include Johann von Mecklenberg, the late Count Leos von Liebwitz, Christabel Udolpho, and, it is rumoured, the master assassin Vespero ‘the Wasp’ of Luccini.

Valancourt is a controversial figure within the Myrmidian cult. His prices are extortionate, leading critics to claim that the Myrmidians are an elitist cult with little to offer common folk. Valancourt defends himself by pointing out that he leads a rather humble life, donating most of his earnings to the Temple of Myrmidia in Nuln.
Current Location
Year of Birth
2455 IC 68 Years old
Aligned Organization
'Beasts in Velvet' by Kim Newman
Up in Arms (4e WFRP), p68

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