Warhammer fantacy Battle of Nuln
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Battle of Nuln


In 2499, after long years of building up strength beneath the cities of the Empire, the Skaven mounted a full-scale attack once again.

It had long ago been discovered that Man-things could be bribed or blackmailed into aiding the Skaven: a campaign of manipulation and bribery targeted many key individuals, the most important of whom was Fritz von Halstadt, the Chief Magistrate of Nuln. When the Skaven’s plan to spark another civil war in the Empire was thwarted by a couple of sewer jacks, the enraged Grey Seer Thanquol mounted a vengeanceattack on the city. Troops from the four Greater Clans (Eshin, Moulder, Pestilens, and Skryre) and several Warlord Clans poured out of the sewers: close to half the city was destroyed, and a force of Stormvermin almost captured the Elector Countess Emmanuelle von Liebewitz.

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