Lesser-Demon-Turtle Species in Warworlds of Ka'a' | World Anvil
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Lesser-Demon-Turtles, better known as "Dragon Turtles", are a race of Beast common in the Hellscapes. Their Magic Level is Yellow, Flank Gold.

Basic Information


Lesser-Demon-Turtles are gigantic sea creatures with the bodies of turtles and dragon-like heads. Their massively armored shells are impervious to most weapons.The shell of a Dragon-Turtle measures between 15 and 25 feet in diameter and is streamlined with jagged protrusions. The shell's actual color is about the same color as the sea around it, and the limbs and neck are a lighter color, highlighted with golden fringes. An adult can surpass forty feet in length, and they breath a cloud of scalding steam.

Genetics and Reproduction

They reproduce through eggs, each egg being covered in spikes and meatallic plates that fall off when the infant hatches after 2 weeks.

Growth Rate & Stages


Ecology and Habitats

They typically rest in volcanic pools, or steaming geysers.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Like Drajj, Dragon Turtles are obsessed with gold and treasure. They often attack ships in order to loot the treasure. After sifting through the wreckage, the creatures carry the valuables back back to their lair in their mouths.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Average Intelligence

Soldiers wishing to pass through the territory of a Dragon Turtle have found that the creatures are intelligent enough to accept bribes or tributes in the form of artifacts and coins.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Average Height
10 ft.
Average Weight
8,000-32,000 lbs.
Average Length
40-50 ft.

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