Manshoon's Report on the Grand Game

The use of the Stone to magically eliminate a memory or piece of knowledge from the realms of Abeir-Toril requires a special casting of the legend lore rite which requires twelve hours to perform. In addition, one must possess a second Abolethic artifact, a small tetrahedron of red jade which I am certain is still held by Lord Dagult in Neverwinter. 
  During the ritual, burn incenses infused with the blood of an aboleth. The sides of the tetrahedron will unfold, revealing slots into which four ivory strips may be inserted. The Stone is then placed within the tetrahedron and the sides will close upon it. 
  As the ritual is completed, the tetrahedron will open once more, revealing the Stone of Golorr as it releases a burst of psionic energy. This energy will refract through the person attuned to the Stone, translating the knowledge they focus upon and erasing it from the known world. 
  The Stone of Golorr has been blinded by Lord Dagult. 
  The Neverwinter Eye was obtained from the Protector’s Enclave in Neverwinter, but was taken by Xanathar’s treachery. It remains in the beholder’s possession. 
  The Waterdeep Eye has been taken from Renaer Neverember and secured within the library’s Astral Vault. 
  It is apparent, based on interrogations of their impish agents, that the Cassalanters possess the third eye, although it is uncertain where the Cassalanter Eye originated. Perhaps Lord Dagult entrusted it to them? 


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