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Quinntilious Ulbrinter - Secret Identity Jhin

Player information given- When his Father (Arthagast) was alive, Quinn was a kind child that followed in his Dad's shoes. The Ulbrinters are members of the Tarot, Judgement. The long line of judges in the family have had the family in good standing. But when His father was slain by agents of the Cult of the Dragon, His mother became a force for good in the city. Quinn Agreed with his mother on this front and swore to fight it as The Judgement. But in his lowest point he learnt of the secret prison known as the Deck. With this knowledge he created a fantasy that it was no prison, but a well of infinite power. He has been systematically taking members of the tarot out as "Jhin". He has most of the cards from families across The Sword Coast, and only a few left to take. He WILL take the power, He WILL stop evil in the world by controlling it, and he WILL avenge his father.

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