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Reginald Blackthorn

Nobel of the Blackthorn line.
  Player connection with Alexius (Jason)
  Reginald Blackthorn (above) is the father of Kastor, my first lover (I mostly took female form back then). He knew that I was a changeling, as he exploited my abilities for his own personal gain, but doesn't know my true name or the location of my home (hopefully). Reginald would have me spy on his competitors, his 'friends', even his own family. When I told him I was pregnant, he acted happy. He even offered to marry me and we were to meet at the Temple of Selune to be married. However on the way, I was ambushed by Reginalds hired muscle, barely escaping with my life. I later confronted Reginald, not believing that he was responsible, but I was wrong. He told me that he would never pollute his family bloodline with my changeling filth, vowing to track me down and 'fix' his mistake. Jason Reginald is 45 years old
  Info given: A human Noble who was my first love. Ended badly. Secret - Kastor isn't actually my brother but my child. Reginald got me pregnant when I was 15. He promised to marry me and told me to meet him at a Temple in Waterdeep. However I was ambushed on the way and barely escaped with my life. I found out later that those who ambushed me where hired by Reginald to kill me. After Kastors birth I gave him to my parent to raise as I didn't feel able to raise him and I told myself it was for his own safety. He was raised as my brother and doesn't know I am really his parent.

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