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Bellwish Grady - Thug

Bellwish Grady

He is a dumpling-shaped man clad in a tattered waistcoat and a filthy powdered wig. He speaks in a mocking, downbeat drawl that reeks of cabbages. Some have said that he receives daily instructions from a parchment that appears by magic inside his left boot.

Mental characteristics


currently employed by the Zhentarim

Mental Trauma

“My fear of the ‘fairy gentleman’ compels me to obey his daily instructions”

Personality Characteristics


motivated entirely by greed.


Contacts & Relations



Grady never loses his calm, and acts like he’s heard it all too many times before.
Neutral Evil
Quotes & Catchphrases
"My loyalty is easily bought: so long the price exceeds my current fee.”
Known Languages
Common, Thieves Cant

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