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Volothamp Geddarm

Volothamp Geddarm (a.k.a. Volo)

Volothamp Geddarm is known to most Waterdavians as a braggart and a notorious embellisher of facts. For all his faults, though, Volo is a soft-hearted sort who cares for nothing as much as his friends. At present, he is grievously concerned for the well-being of one of them.
He was oft portrayed as the quintessential "go-to guy" of the Realms even if his information was, at best, half-accurate. He was too curious for his own good.
As travelling scholar and minor wizard, Volo was always on the lookout for an exposé. He all too frequently was at odds with Elminster, who preferred some things to be kept in the dark.

Mental characteristics


Author of several famous adventuring tomes:  
  • Volo's Guide to All Things Magical - First notable work. Written c. 1356 DR with a reprint (with the help of Elminster) published in 1367 DR.
  • Volo's Guide to the Bloodstone Lands - Unreleased. Written between 1360 - 1362 DR.
  • Volo's Guide to Calimport - Notes and a copy of an old draft can be found in Candlekeep, all final drafts were destroyed by Calishite pashas or Rundeen agents. Written between 1364 - 1365 DR.
  • Volo's Guide to Cormyr - Written between 1367 - 1368 DR.
  • Volo's Guide to the Dalelands - Written between 1368 - 1369 DR.
  • Volo's Guide to the Lands of Intrigue - Written in 1369 DR with an abridged version (which was much more widely distributed) released by Elminster the next year.
  • Volo's Guide to the Moonsea - Unreleased. Extant copies were suppressed by the Zhentarim. Written between 1357 - 1358 DR.
  • Volo's Guide to the North - Written between 1365 - 1366 DR.
  • Volo's Guide to the Sword Coast - Written between 1366 - 1367 DR.
  • Volo's Guide to the Vast - Unreleased. Original is owned by a resident of Raven's Bluff. Written between 1358 - 1360 DR.
  • Volo's Guide to Waterdeep - Written between 1363 - 1365 DR.
  • Volo's Guide to Westgate & the Dragon Coast - Commissioned work. Original is held by a noble of Yhaunn. Written between 1362 - 1363 DR.
  • Volo's Complete Guide to the Behaviour of Nymphs - A work mentioned briefly in Storm of Zehir. Volo reluctantly agreed not to publish it after Elminster deemed it 'too naughty'.
  • Volo's Guide to Monsters - A treatise on monster lore, with annotations and comments by Elminster. Sometime in the late 1480s or early 1490s DR Volo sold autographed hardcover copies to travelers and nobles in Port Nyanzaru for 50 gp.
  • Volo's Waterdeep Enchiridion - A chapbook designed to be a visitor's guide to Waterdeep. It was expected to serve the reader until Volo's Guide to Waterdeep, long out of print, was updated and re-released.
Chaotic Good
Dark Brown
Long and wavy Dark Brown
Known Languages
Common, Dwarvish, Elvish

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