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Vult casts magical darkness (nobody liked that)

Discovery, Exploration

Session 9 - September 5th, 2019

We follow the trail of clues left from the the explosion in trollskull alley, this leads us to the house of inspired hands and then onwards to the krinklenose residence. Vult casts magical darkness, everyone agrees that this was a bad move

Notes for D&D Slalom Houston 9/5/2019   Juan - Ser Gaven
Justin - Hanzon Butz
Logan - Urivel
Stefano - Lyra
Kevin - Kvothe
Carlos - Vult
Kim - Chula
Brian - Bonez (deceased)

Pre-game: Chula is our decisioner and Vult is banker. Roll for profit: net gain was 25 gold. Roll for fruit profit: profit was 30 gold.
Agent of Lord Nevermember and he had an object named Stone of Golum (Golem) understanding that it's either the key to the vault or key to finding it. We found the information from Nevermember whom put it all together for us since time was running out.
The Zentarym found out that Nevermember was in possession of the key. His agent ended up dead as did all of the gang members after him because of the explosion that happened outside our tavern. Somebody got to the body of the agent and took the Stone before we could get there or the cops arrived. An old lady saw a mechanical man running on rooftops away from the explosion immediately after it went off. One of the street urchins interrogated reported something dropped into a water barrel by the mechanical man. Only other piece of information is that we gleaned the mechanical man probably came from the "House of Inspired Hands", it's almost a priesthood for tinkering and inventing. Lyra is holding the remaining two beads. We have been joined by a new group member, Urivel.
We walk towards the House of Inspired Hands.
Alleys of Waterdeep with houses three or four stories tall on either side. We see a silhouette of a humanoid shape with no other defining features on the roof of the building. Shape extends an arm and something flies out towards us. It looks like a metal bird. It does loops in the air in front of us and combat begins.   Combat:
Chula rolls a firebolt towards the object (bird) and misses.
Ser Gaven runs towards the building.
Hanzon attempts to charm the bird by playing his butt bagpipes but it fails to a melancholy moan.
Kvothe casts thunderwave. The bird saved but still took half damage.
Vult casts Ray of Frost and gets a nat 20. The bird tragically freezes and shatters midair.
Vult and Lyra go to take a look into the remains of the mechanical bird. Specifically, the bird was an "arcano-mechanical sparrow". The humanoid figure on the roof opened a trap door into the building and disappears from view. The building is 15 stories and no one is sitting outside. Hanzon attempts to scale the building and succeeds in getting to the second level.
Vult and Kvothe push open the front doors of the House of Inspired Hands and they open effortlessly.   House of Inspired Hands:
See several people adorned in steampunk things. Kvothe accosts an acolyte and claims a mechanical bird attacked us. Vult shows the bird to the priest and confirms. The priest pulls back their hood and reveals it's a female dragonborn named Valetta?
Valetta provides a quick explanation that only a few of the acolytes can speak. Kvothe continues his antagonistic behavior while she denies the bird is theirs. She claims to know who it might be.   2nd Story:
Hanzon attempts to enter through a window and successfully unlocks it. The window goes straight down to the first floor so he falls but manages to do it with finesse and land impressively. He rejoins the party and everyone is surprised.   HoIH:
Hanzon pulls out his ball bearings out of his ass. Valetta simply judges in silence. We all follow her up the stairs to fix the issue...never mind, there is an elevator. We go to floor 13.
She confirms that there are several practicioners that might have been able to make the arcano-mechanical bird we saw, as well as the golem.   15th Story:
This floor looks like an attic or something. It is definitely the top floor.
Valetta guides us towards the room that holds the nimblewright, Nim. He was abandoned here and is being taken care of simply to avoid troubles. The party bangs hard on the locked door. Many people attempt to kick it even while Chula pleads to lockpick it.
Hanzon and Vult attempt to kick it. Hanzon kicks it wrong and fails. Chula unlocks the door and nothing was destroyed. Valetta is grateful that we used tact, but she is concerned because the door should not have a lock.
The room is covered in projects and tools and tinkering. A humanoid brass construct on the farside of the shop cowers from us. Nim. The priestess strides towards him and berates him for what he's done. Hanzon attempts a nudist handshake with Nim. Nim is confused and does not reciprocate.
Valetta shows the bird to Nim as part of her interrogation. He begins to do sign language and apologizes, explaining that he's lonely and is only attempting to make friends. He lets it slip that this has happened before.
Nim explains that he's created another nimblewright and Valetta is immediately concerned. The other nim ran away and he couldn't follow. He is magically prevented from leaving the grounds of the estate. Valetta offers us 500 gold plus expenses if we can find the other nim and bring the rest of it back.
He might be able to help us find the other automaton. Nim hands us a nimblewright detector that he created after his friend ran away. Vult takes the device and stores it. Valetta reminds us that her gratefulness comes with a special device from the HoIH's stores.
Chula takes a "look-see" out of the trapdoor. It's beautiful. She attempts to use the device and it doesn't provide anything useful.
We walk back towards Trollskull Alley and the detector starts to go off. We come upon an estate of a couple of stories in height. It belongs to the Grumhold family. Urivel attempts to detect magic and finds lots. The nimblewright detector wasn't a sham. On the front gate to the villa, there is some kind of protection magic around it. Chula detects a trap on the gate and attempts to disarm it. She succeeds in disarming it. Urivel can tell that something has changed.   Estate:
A man turns the corner and is flanked by two dogs. He immediately decides to kill us "trespassers".
Chula opens the door while Ser Gaven fails to detect any form of good or evil. Urivel can still see magic all around the building. All enter except for Hanzon.
It's a very well tended estate with large trees within it. We see a balcony. Chula knocks on the front door. In "cinematic slow motion" as she opens the door, someone behind us yells "HALT" and we hear a growl.
Kvothe casts invisibility and yells at the group "YOU CAN DO IT!" so we are all inspired. He then proceeds to climb a tree.
Lyra gets a little in front of the group and fails to shoot an arrow properly.
Chula casts chromatic orb (lightning) and hits dog2.
Vult casts a split chromatic orb (thunder) and hits both dogs. The dogs shimmered as if they're made of smoke then solidify again.
Hanzon runs inside the gate. He pulls out spirit possessed "old lady bones" and attempts to goad a dog into going out of the gate. Dog2 shimmers and shoots forward by stretching towards the bone. He engulfs the bone in a "dog like black mist".
Ser Gaven runs at the groundskeeper and yells at him to attack. He attempts to throw his hammer and drops it.
Urivel attempts to put one dog to sleep but failed.
Dog1 attacks Ser Gaven but does not pierce his high armor and great healthcare.
Willie, the groundskeeper, stabs Ser Gaven through his armor plates.
Kvothe throws ball bearings at the ground in an effort to trip the enemies.
Lyra closes the gate and attempts to lock dog2 outside.
Chula throws another chromatic orb (thunder) at dog1. The dog mists and disappears.
Vult casts magical darkness and the whole party agrees it was a bad move.
Ser Gaven heals himself some and gets prone in the darkness.
Urivel fails to climb a tree.
Willie has injured Ser Gaven. He is fighting for his life.
Kvothe climbs down from the tree and moves towards other trees.
Lyra attempts to finish the job and shoots an arrow at Ser Gaven.
Chula is attempting to procure help from the people inside the home. The person on the other side has told us to leave.
Vult charges into the darkness and heals Ser Gaven with a potion. Then he casts a chromatic orb (necrotic) at Willie.
Hanzon "rolls the dice" and shoots into the void a crossbow. He hits Ser Gaven and there is major disagreement within the party at who is to blame.
Willie creates a skeletal floating hand and slaps Vult. The darkness is not broken.
Kvothe approaches a window on the facade of the building and looks inside.
Chula kills dog2 with a firebolt. He turns into mist and disappears.
Vult dispels his concentration and releases the spell. Then he hits Willie with a chromatic orb (fire). Willie shoots up into flames that extend towards the sky. The body turns to ash and he disappears.

Related Location
Krinklenose Residence
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