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Down to the sewers to meet our new friends: Germaphobia and Claustraphobia

Discovery, Exploration

Session 4 - June 12th 2019

Our merry band makes it's ways into the sewers in search of Volo's friend Floon.

Johanna - Brad Kvothe - Kevin Neiman Whispermouse - Alex Bones - Bryan Vult - Carlos Lyra - Stephano Chula - Kim Roshne the Great - Roshne We were outside the streets in the warehouse. The citywatch investigated the kerfuffle. 3 things we hear

  • Zanatar sends his regards
  • Tie of the fancy boy and take him to the sewers
  • No time to loot the place, just take him to the boss.
  • Renair Neverember is the guy we found covered in fish heads and juice, son of the Lord of Overdeep They mistook Floon for him, and he (Fancy man) for some reason didn't tell them of the mistake, being a coward and all. Admits he's a coward and begs us to rescue Floon. Dead bodies was Zentarum gang (dead bodies). Zanthar's had murdered them to take the ransom guy, and they got the ransom guy. Took him into the sewers, to find the "We could pick up at opening the boxes", said Chula. Then the group went to sleep for over an hour. Chula got hangry and Bones offered her a milky stout, which seemed to satiate her for a time. “We need to find a sewer to find the yellow signs.” suggests Johanna “I'm going to smell for the sewer” sniffs Neiman. He smells sewer all around, shit everywhere. But also, there's lots of people on the street. “Everyone hold on, let me check,” says Bones Goes away and find out Zentarum sewer hideout. His contact sniffs, “Everyone knows it! Not even guarded well, because any trespassers will be murdered straight up.” Contact gives directions. "How much you got on you?" says Bones when he returns. "I'm broke" Vult”. "I'm totally broke."" said Johanna, winking, like she knew something about my loot. RoshneTG - high Elf, guard intern, the city guard were eager to get rid of her, encouraged her to join the party. "Go with them and watch them" Lyra, "Came from a small forest town, where she was a folk hero, and eager for new adventure" - Kvothe invited her over for a drink and to join the group. We found the sewer entrance. Putrid stream flows through the sewer. Sign, palm sign symbol of 10 spokes in yellow chalk, I know it is the sign of the Zanthar. Humans and halflings can't see, so we stop to discuss in committee. "I'll just follow you guys" said Chula, Neiman wants to light a lantern. "Let me lead, I can see 120' out!" shouts Vult. "All the dark vision people in front" - Lyra. Neiman starts shooting sparks for no reason. We get to a well where the water is flowing down a grate. There's all kinds of chunks and shit. Vult is in front and we come to a fork. He notices something down the left. "Why don't you fireball it" suggests Chula. “Why don't we see what it is?” suggests Bones “Oh the voice of reason” sneers Chula. everyone laughs. “Yeah, well there might be a guy with a rake,” says Bones, twitching a little. Vult approaches it not stealthily, 60 feet. Then all hell breaks loose. "What the fuck is that!?" Johanna thinks about changing. "Be a shake!" "A goat!" "A weasel!" everyone shouts at once. Of course Johanna becomes a bear. That’s like her Default. Two Gazers appear. Gazer one moves up to Vult and hits him square in the face, it felt kind of tingly - but he shakes it off. Kvothe starts flirting with RTG, trying to get his Mac on. "You look much better in the light!" Vult uses his breath weapon, straight up. Gazer starts burning, smelling light burnt shawarma, but still okay. It shrieks like a little girl. Vult slides under it to get on their other side. Lyra clearly sees the gazer on fire "We gotta go get it!" "You can dance if you want to" If your friends can dance. "Git him" says Bones, but he is in the rear. Nieman climbs around Chula, falling and slipping, then scrambles past 'big Joe'. Nieman quickly cleans his face, his face sparkling in the darkness. Chula grasps her empty bottle of lavender and starts huffing. Her eyes roll back in her head and a smile spreads across her face. Everyone near her is inspired by the sweet lavender smell. Another gazer comes around the corner, face to face with Lyra, squeaking like a little girl. It attacks right away. A ray comes out and hits Lyra in the chest like a hammer. She knocks down Kvothe and RTG, landing on top, "Oh that hurt!" grunts Lyra. RTG cries, "You knocked my ass down!" as she firebolts the Grazer, hitting it square in the middle. Flames lick around the grazer's skin and eyestalks, but it is still in business. Lyra yells, "Get out of the way, duck or something!" to RTG as she fires her arrow, totally missing the first gazer. Big Joe throws Nieman towards the first gazer, hitting Lyra square in the back. Lyra stumbles, but doesn't go down. Nieman sticks the landing, dazed and staggering. Big Jo picks up Kvothe off the ground. A large orange flash lights up the sewer. The first Gazer blasted Vult with a fear ray, totally affecting him. "Ha, Bones probably thought it was a Rake" sneers Chula. The corner of Bones' mouth twitches, but he doesn't react to the goad. Kovthe throws a candle towards the commotion, and it lands on the grate, sticking. it stays lit, even though there’s a river of shit pouring past it. Vult is terrified, so terrified he can't do anything about it, so he flees further into the sewer. He notices a stairwell down, so he turns down towards it, running into a steel door. Boney, high on lavender, laughs and sings a bit, jokingly telling Big Joe, "Hey if you want to throw me and Chula, you can". Everyone rolls their eyes. Neiman tells everyone to move to the right, then rushes past everyone, yelling, "SNEAK ATT--" "That's my phrase and it is patent pending" mutters Chula. Neiman uses his rapier to hit the Grazer square in the eye, killing it. "You should search it!" froths Chula. Instead, Neiman moves away from the other Grazer. Chula takes out her abacus and starts reconciling the books. She looks around, weighing her options, then decides to do nothing, noting that Boney "is cray" The second Grazer shoots RTG with a cold blue ray, but RTG dodges out of the way, laughing, "Biiiiitch!" She whips out her battle axe and hits it right between the stalks, cleaving it in twain, both sides falling away and sloughing off guts, bits of meat and slime. Before anyone can do anything, Nieman notices an arrow slit in the wall near the grate. Kvothe pushes Neiman out of the way, then sticks his candle up to the hole. He sees a room on the other side of the wall. "Let’s go in the door" suggests Big Joe. "He guys, get a move on!" whines Vult. The team moves around the grate room. Kvothe hears some grubbling in the room behind the arrow "Who's there?" he shouts. Chula pushes past Volt "Get out of the damn way!" to get to the door. Neiman tries to unlock the door, but fails. Kvothe looks in the arrow slit, startling whomever was on the other side, who fired point blank. Fortunately, the arrow goes wide. Kvothe makes a floating hand take his candle into the slit, revealing a room with two goblins inside. One of the goblins shoots again, this time Bones takes an arrow to the knee. "Arrgh!" I fall to the ground, clutching my knee. Big Joe gets hit by the arrow in the knee, which is at arm height for anyone else. Bones uses a quick spell of healing to take care of the wound. Vult tries to use his tools to break the lock and ends up breaking his tools. Chula works her magic on the lock, opening it on the first try, revealing a well-lit corridor. Big Joe tries to change into a weasel, but ends up -- again -- as a bear. Chula runs down the corridor, running right into two goblins. One tries to run away and the other stands stone cold still. Chula throws a fire bolt, burning the goblin to a crisp. Chula huffs the lavendar, her eyes dialating. A small groan escapes her lips. Vult hears the screeching and squealing. Neiman jumps on Kvothe, and starts stabbing through the slit, wildly. He hears something, feeling a wet squish as his blade slides home into a goblin's neck, killing it. "Disengage and run away!" says Lyra. Lyra shoots an arrow at the slit, it goes through and TINKs against the back wall. Kvothe starts a vicious mockery, trying to incite the goblins, but they are unperturbed. He lays down in a sexy pose, but the crusted shit everywhere ruins the atmosphere. Bones runs up behind Chula to back her up, but trips and falls into her back for a moment, mumbling an apology. Vult, a glutton for punishment, runs down the left corridor. Everyone starts running away. The bear freaks out, bowling down bones and chula. Bones feels his bones crack as the bear steps on him. Chula jumps up and starts looting. She finds 4 copper, a necklace of dog teeth and a dog pelt. She can't tell if it is the same dog. Then suddenly a loud sucking sound was heard, and everything went dark...

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