Kolat Towers

This dilapidated, two-towered edifice stands tall in the Southern Ward. Its neighbors are aware of the magical force field that surrounds it, and they can see light from continual flame spells spilling out of the windows, Despite these persistent magical effects, most folk believe the structure is abandoned. Others think it’s haunted by the ghosts of the Kolat brothers. An invisible field of magical force surrounds and covers Kolat Towers. The field is paper-thin and stands just outside the outer wall of the estate, extending upward to contain the buildings in their entirety. Nothing can pass through the barrier, including air, fog, rain, and snow. Creatures that don’t realize the field is there bounce off it, with birds especially prone to striking it. The ground outside the field is regularly littered with the tiny corpses of birds that broke their necks hitting it, and street cleaners come by every morning to sweep them up.   The party used magic to teleport inside the force field and dispatched the Zhent minions within. The building has since been claimed by the city but is yet to be put to new use.    Before the City could move into the tower Luigiana traded information on it's status to a insane dwarf illusionist who has since taken over.


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