Skyhold Tower

A battered wreck of a tower held together by magic beyond your understanding. It appears to harness elemental forces in order to fly. The tower is currently parked at the Farm with No Name and surrounded by scaffolding. Repairs stopped due to a lack of funds and the tower currently languishes forlorn in the field.   Arcane locks have been placed on the main door and balcony doors. An initial 1800g was provided to start repairs however the repairs were more difficult than expected due to access. Repairs are currently stalled due to a lack of funds.  
skyhold tower.png
  Lvl1: Several suits of ornate armor flank a wide, red-carpeted staircase made of dark oak.The stairs split at a landing, where a small portrait of a white-haired human hangs upon the wall. The painting is arrogant but seems polite enough as long as the party answers its questions and behaves. It knows little of the upper levels.   Lvl2: Thick carpet coats the floor and a fire crackles away in a hearth set in the far wall, next to a torn and shriveled armchair. A large drinks cabinet flanks the other side of the fire. In the center of the room is a staircase made from dull silver metal, which spirals around a narrow pillar up through the ceiling.   LVL3: Though the white clouds make it hard to see, you make out a rather small room with slick floorboards. A door to the right is topped with a brass plaque reading ‘Fire Control Room,’ with a similar door to the left marked as ‘Water Control Room.’ Thick copper pipes are everywhere, emerging from and disappearing into walls, ceiling, and floor.   LVL4: Damaged experiment rooms   Lvl5: Gryphon nest, the walls are blow away leaving onyl the staircase ascending.   Lvl 6: Portrait Gallery   Lvl 7 library. The staircase opens into a large woodpaneled chamber. The air is filled with the scent of old books, hundreds of which line the walls. Four dusty plinths stand in the center of the room—three of which are topped with monstrous creatures, seemingly frozen in time. Two humanoid skeletons lie nearby. A staircase on the west wall leads further up the tower, while a plain wooden door sits in the east wall. A thick layer of dust covers everything.   Lvl 7b Gardern You find yourself outside, standing in a beautiful garden surrounded by a low stone wall. The perfect circle of wide green lawn is neatly trimmed and ringed with well-tended beds of roses in shades of white, pink, and yellow. Directly opposite the doorway, up against the wall, are a selection of artisticallypositioned grey boulders.   Lvl 8 Bedrooms   Lvl 9 Living Quarters. The chamber around you is dusty and decaying, but feels more homey than the rest of the tower. The winding staircase continues behind you, but in front you can see a tiny kitchen, more appropriate for a cottage than a vast tower, and a dining table that leans drunkenly on two collapsed legs. There are three levers set in the wall behind the table. A wooden ladder is set into the western wall and descends through a wide trap door, while a glass door at the end of the room leads onto a balcony.   Lvl 10: Cloud Stairs   Lvl 11: Control Deck   Lvl 12: Space   Lvl 13: Rift Chamber


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