Waterdavian noble in Waterdeep | World Anvil
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Waterdavian noble

You are a scion of one of the great noble families of Waterdeep. Human families who jealously guard their privilege and place in the City of Splendors, Waterdhavian nobles have a reputation across Faerûn for being eccentric, spoiled, venal, and, above all else, rich. Whether you are a shining example of the reason for this reputation or one who proves the rule by being an exception, people expect things of you when they know your surname and what it means. Your reasons for taking up adventuring likely involve your family in some way: Are you the family rebel, who prefers delving in filthy dungeons to sipping zzar at a ball? Or have you taken up sword or spell on your family's behalf, ensuring that they have someone of renown to see to their legacy?   Work with your DM to come up with the family you are part of. You might be part of the main line of your family, possibly in line to become its leader one day. Or you might be one of any number of cousins, with less prestige but also less responsibility.  

Waterdavian noble families

  Waterdeep contains well over a hundred noble families. The following noble houses are fine choices for any character with the noble background from the Player's Handbook or the Waterdavian noble background from the Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide.   House Amcathra. The Amcathras are a Tethyrian family that specializes in horse breeding and training, cattle ranching, wine-making. and weaponsmithing. The family motto is "We trample our troubles." The family has a large villa in the North Ward, on the east side of the High Road between Hassantyr's Street and Tarnath Street.   House Margaster. The Margasters are an llluskan family whose business interests lie in land-based shipping and bulk goods trading. The house also has a quiet history of wizardry. The family motto is "Nothing is beyond our grasp." The Margaster family estate is situated between Stabbed Sailor Alley and Shattercrock Alley in the North Ward.   House Phylund. The Phylunds are a Tashlutar family that captures and sells monsters. Monsters that can't be trained as pets or guard beasts are sold to arenas or harvested for their meat. bones, and skins. The Phylunds sponsor adventuring parties and monster-hunting expeditions, and their motto is "What you fear, we master." House Phylund has an estate on Copper Street, west of the High Road between Julthoon Street and Trader's Way in the North Ward.   House Rosznar. Once banished from Waterdeep for smuggling, slavery. and other crimes, this Tethyrian house bas returned and is trying to overcome its dark past and disgraceful reputation by focusing on legiti- mate business ventures such as wine-making and gem trading. The family motto is "We fly high and stoop swift." Rosznar Villa is situated on Thunderstaff Way between Copper Street and Shield Street in the Sea Ward, west of the High Road.  



Kept in Style

  While you are in Waterdeep or elsewhere in the North your house sees to your everyday needs. Your name and signet are sufficient to cover most of your expenses; the inns, taverns, and festhalls you frequent are glad to record your debt and send an accounting to your family's estate in Waterdeep to settle what you owe.   This advantage enables you to live a comfortable lifestyle without having to pay 2 gp a day for it, or reduces the cost of a wealthy or aristocratic lifestyle by that amount. You may not maintain a less affluent lifestyle and use the difference as income – the benefit is a line of credit, not an actual monetary reward.  

Suggested Characteristics

  Use the tables for the Noble background as the basis for your traits and motivations, modifying the entries when appropriate to suit your identity.   Like other nobles, you were born and raised in a different world from the one that most folk know – one that grants you privilege but also calls you to fulfill a duty befitting your station. Your bond might be associated with your family a lone, or it could be concerned with another noble house that sides with or opposes your own. Your ideal depends to some extent on how you view your role in the family, and how you intend to conduct yourself in the world at large as a representative of your house.
Skill Proficiencies:
History, Persuasion
Tool Proficiencies:
One type of gaming set or one musical instrument
Two of your choice
A uniform in the style of your unit and indicative of your rank, a horn with which to summon help, a set of manacles, and a pouch containing 10 dragons (GP)

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