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Dottirs of The Coronal Storm

You see their wells are dry.
And still they low’r their pail
Plunged deep into darkness
Drawing only shadows.
  Emerge from your electric caves!
Turn from those tombs at once.
Open your eyes as Dagr flies
Ostara’s womb gives light!

  • - a poem supposedly written by Jorine Fehn.


    The world wide web does not connect us. Instead, it divides our soul into infinite nodes. And even though we may identify with each node, we no longer see them as a part of the whole. Instead we reduce our selves to only a fraction of who we are, and worse we do the same to others. Through this division we are conquered. The corporations have swooped in to exploit us in this vulnerable state, promising to value us and for whatever tiny node we identify with. And we’re so far gone from the whole soul that their attention is the only way we can find meaning.   Step outside of the cyberspace cages, oh fractured souls and seek the sun. Let nature begin the painful process of mending what has been torn apart. And if you are too weak to free yourself, The Dottirs of the Coronal Storm will cleave you from the silicon teat and nurture you back to life.    


    They're not fools. The Dottirs of the Coronal Storm know there’s value and technology, but humanity is not ready to harness this gift. We are still but children in need of guidance and education, and the algorhythm that dictates our meta-lives only keeps us in the same state of youthful ignorance.   They seek to teach us what we cannot learn through websearches and article recommendations. When you seek the analogue life, or venture into in-person meet-ups, they’ll find you. You’ll be told your more than just Zeroes and Ones, and endless strings of browser data, and it’s all you’ve ever wanted anyone to say to you.   And when they feel the hunger is strong enough in you, then you’ll be invited to a revelry. A feast in the woods where everyone looks you in the eye and remembers your name. And the wine and love will flow, as you dance around the pure. You’ve never felt so connected, and wouldn’t you want everyone to feel this way?   Wouldn’t you want everyone to feel this way?
    a mock geocities website for the Dottiers of The Coronal storm.


      There’s a high-school picture of her that they use on the news. That’s all they have. It’s weird. The picture is probably 20 years old at this point but they keep showing it. Her head is all wild blonde curls, and bared teeth, like an excited dog ready to play. All that potential.   After the EMP blast in Seattle you couldn’t get away from that face. Signs taped up all over town. And they weren’t like “wanted” posters. It was like she was a hero. One that little girls all over the world could be. You, with the braces and the awkward walk, you can be powerful enough to send Seattle to the stone age one day.   People online don’t even think she’s real. That it’s some AI generated face. And it was really the corporations all along. Like it was something Pantodyne Industries would do. And so they invented Jorine. A boogeywoman. Right?   But you know... People want to believe that nonsense because the truth is scarier. That she could be on the bus with us right now. And we wouldn’t know it. And she could throw our whole world into chaos just like they did in Seattle and we wouldn’t see it coming. I don’t think they’re talking about solar flares from the real sun. That’s all just metaphors and mumbojumbo, you know? A fairy tale to get people in the door. Nah.   Jorine Fehn. She’s the storm. She’s the real storm.


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