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Birth of Nigel: The First Artificial Human


The Kukes Corporation introduces the world to Nigel, the world's first artificial human. His debut is met with excitement and anxiety.

At a press conference, Kukes! Co. introduced Nigel the first artificial human. He looks like us, talks likes us, and unless someone pointed it out to you, you'd think he was one of us. In fact, that's how he was revealed.   No one suspected that Nigel, posing as a reporter was really made of circuitry and silicone. He interacted with many of the other attendees, introducing himself and engaging in conversation. Ariana Vazquez of the Washington Guardian said that she had spoken with him for over 10 minutes with a small group of reporters, and no one had the slightest idea that he wasn't human.   Kukes! CEO Leo Preston made a presentation explaining the technological concepts they were applying to the artificial life form, the details of which are beyond the scope of this reporter. Preston held his cards close to the vest, giving the impression that this was all theoretical and not a finished product.   Afterwards, about halfway through a Q&A a reporter in the third row asked if there was a timetable for the production of first fully realized artificial human?   To which Leo Preston responded: "But it's already been done, hasn't it Nigel?"   The crowd watched on in confusion as the reporter made their way to the stage, and waved to the crowd.   "Ladies and gentleman this is Nigel," Preston announced.   Those who were unconvinced, changed their tune as pictures of Nigel's assembly were shown on a large video screen. After the slide show, Nigel unbuttoned his shirt to compartment in their chest that housed a mix of tubing and wires. The reaction was mixed.   Though some were excited by what appeared to be the dawning of a brand new world, others were aghast. One attendee shouted to the stage "My god what have you done?" and rushed from the room.   Preston took these outbursts in stride, saying all new technologies are met with resistance and Nigel would be no different. However the CEO assured the crowd that Kukes! Co. have thought a great deal about this breakthrough and what it could mean to humanity. "Any of your concerns have been our concerns throughout this entire process. We did not go into this blindly. I understand your fears and even shared them at first, but Nigel comes in peace. He comes in peace because we made him that way. We have big plans for Nigel, and we assure you that those plans benefit all of mankind."   It is a new era, to be sure, but what that era holds for humanity has yet to be seen.

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