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The sun shining on Waysol's shores may keep the denizens warms, but it is the wind that blows from the giant crystal that keeps them safe. Centuries ago, the benevolent wind god Eolus guided the first settlers to the continental archipelago that would harbour their safe haven. To guard them from the corrupted outside world, the god shed a single tear, as large as multiple men, infused with the power of a wind so strong it would hide them from the greed of kings and emperors.


A long time has passed, and the once struggling pioneers built a thriving city of progress, magic and harmony. Proficient wielders of a magic so scarce beyond their borders, the citizens of Waysol are for the most part ignorant of that violent world.


Among the numerous knight orders, the Order of Eolus is the most prestigious, named after their guardian divinity. They are the only one allowed to roam the world, preserving the secret of their city's location and spearheading Waysol's diplomacy. Aboard their flying flagship, they are the dream of many children.


However, the sky darkens in the lights of recent news. The greed of men did not vanish with the years. Away from the prying eyes of the knights of Eolus, they tracked the location of the glorious city. A new alliance is coming out of the gorund, leading the greatest army the world has ever seen to conquer the hidden land of the wind.