Currency in Weird Wastes | World Anvil
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In the few pockets of civilization that remain across the United States wasteland, bottle caps have settled into use as the primary form of currency besides bartering. Before the bombs fell, there was a soft drink called Nuka-Cola that was popular across the entire nation. The entire family of Nuka-Cola products could be found in every corner store, and it was this ubiquitousness that lead to the adoption of Nuka-Cola bottle caps as currency.  

Copper Caps

Nuka-Cola classic was the brand's first and highest selling product in their lineup. The caps for this bottle are a rusty red copper color.
  • It takes ten (10) Copper Caps to equal one (1) Silver Cap
  • It takes fifty (50) Copper Caps to equal one (1) Electrum Cap
  • It takes one hundred (100) Copper Caps to equal one (1) Gold Cap
  • It takes one thousand (1,000) Copper Caps to equal one (1) Platinum Cap

Silver Caps

Diet Nuka-Cola remained a popular option in the lineup, even long after the 'diet soda' myth was debunked. The caps for this bottle are a matte silver color.
  • It takes five (5) Silver Caps to equal one (1) Electrum Cap
  • It takes ten (10) Silver Caps to equal one (1) Gold Cap
  • It takes one hundred (100) Silver Caps to equal one (1) Platinum Cap

Electrum Caps

Nuka-Wild was an experimental berry flavor intended for a limited time release, but its popularity unexpectedly skyrocketed and it became part of the core lineup. The caps for this bottle are an electric purple color with bright yellow lettering, earning them the nickname 'Electrum' among wastelanders.
  • It takes two (2) Electrum Caps to equal one (1) Gold Cap
  • It takes twenty (20) Electrum Caps to equal one (1) Platinum Cap

Gold Caps

Nuka-Reserve and Nuka-Dark were alcoholic beverages based on the classic Nuka-Cola formula. The caps for these bottles are a regal gold color.
  • It takes ten (10) Gold Caps to equal one (1) Platinum Caps

Platinum Caps

Nuka-Cola's line of premium flavors were marketed as limited time promotions with collectible bottles. The Nuka Quartz, Victory, and Quantum variants all had shining platinum bottle caps.

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