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Codex of Greater Beings

Herein you will find a compilation of information from a series of studies made on various otherworldly, or otherwise larger than life entities from around the worlds. They have been grouped together in this document because they all share the following traits in common:
  • None of them have an established church. Though many of them have followers, their followers are not organized, and they don't participate in any traditions or customs common of a religious institution.
  • None of them are ascended gods. While they are powerful and capable of serving as patrons granting boons to their disciples, they are not gods.
  • They are all alive or in some way present in Obora or one of its echoes.
  • They all remain, in one way or another, mortal.
  The Dendrimanes The trees of Valiwood, and all that lived among them, died a slow and sour death. A fate brought upon them by royal curse for having harbored an enemy of the crown. But the trees grew bitter in their latter days, and their souls lingered after death, anchored to the land by their roots. Now all that lingers in the Umbrawood is death and shadow. Any who dare enter the undead forest are met with the Dendrimanes, the manifestation of the Woods’ grudge and their heinous desires.   The Quad Flame They were born on the First Day, direct descendants of the Origin. They are guardians, protectors of the four elemental echoes, Ceniza, Vintus, O'senn, and Nbarro. Their souls are bound to their respective worlds, each one sharing their life with the other. They are spectacular creatures, the four dragons, who have grown unfathomably strong and wise in their thousand years lives.
  • Arhazel, Blue Dragon, Lord over O'senn
  • Mazat, Black Dragon, Lord over Nbarro
  • Citlah, Bronze Dragon, Lord over Ceniza
  • Ixmix, Silver Dragon, Lord over Vintus
Thilo the Great Hama Also known as the Wood Whisper, Thilo the Great Hama is the last living Hama born from the Great Blossom. He holds a seat in the Court of Grynnmoor and safekeeps the Sea of Swards. A symbol of peace to many, he inspires benevolence, and the pursuit of balance with nature.
Head of Church None   Follower Base Many varieties of peoples about the world   Influence Level Undeterminable   Birthplace - Home City Unique to each entity
Game Reference When building warlocks, these would be excellent choices for patrons.

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