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“Mountains are the legacy of our people, for rock and stone are stacked on the shoulders of our fathers. From the bones of our kin the peaks grow tall.”  
Wallace Walton, Letters From the King of Ice & Snow

The Yrmiran is a religious belief that originated in the Perienne Mountaintops. The word is derived from Yrmir, a word in the ancient language of giants meaning Three Spirits. The Yrmiran belief teaches that mountain tops are a realm of their own. Being so far from the ground and so close to the skies, the plane of mountains serves as an intermediary location for Vhorkins and their gods to commune. This demi-plane quality of the mountain top realm is known as Asvard. The Vhorkins’ pantheon of gods consists of three deities - Vjall, Uni, and Skala.   Vjall - The Unwavering Protector, Vjall is the Mountain, home of all Vhorkins. Vjall is their father, their strength, their wisdom.   Uni - The Great Blizzard, Uni is said to wield an ax of ice and frost, and her hair billows with evening storms. She brings frigid judgement to all sinners, and guards the past with snow.   Skala - The Gift Giver, Skala, brought steel from stone. He is the first to strike when the warhorns are blown, he is the edge that does not brittle in the rime.
Head of Church Great Kar Berg Skullark   Follower Base Geants of Southern Koffus & Citizens of Nearby Localities   Influence Level Low   Birthplace - Home City Koffus - Virka

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