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Foundry Staff

Magical weapon - Quarterstaff - 1d6 bludgeoning - Versatile - Requires attunement   This long staff is made from bronze and basalt, ancient giant runes scribed down the length of it, and is always warm to the touch.   The staff contains a maximum of 7 charges, and regains 1d6 + 1 charge each day at dawn.   As an action, the wielder can expend one charge to cast burning hands, or two charges to cast scorching ray.   Affixed to the staff is an ancient giant control ring - when casting the spell, the user may specify a period of time. Instead of the spell being cast immediately, it instead is cast after that amount of time has passed, even if no longer attuned or held by a creature.   If the last charge of the staff is expended, roll a d20. On a 1, the staff's magic is expended, and it becomes non-magical.


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