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Wondrous Item - Very Rare - requires attunement  
This heavy wool cloak flows from dark grey to reds and oranges at the hem, and hidden embroidery glows with bright, white-hot geometric patterns when its power is used.   Pyroclasm has 10 charges, and regains all charges at dawn. When you cast a spell which would transmute or change the shape of rock, earth or metal, you may expend a number of charges equal to the spell's level (minimum 1) to instead melt or boil the material, leaving it as molten metal, lava or boiling mud.   The transmuted area or object becomes a liquid - if it was freestanding, it flows to cover a 5 ft. radius around the shape the spell would normally leave it in. Any creature who is in the space of the liquid when it is created, or ends their turn in it, must succeed on a Constitution saving throw with your spell save DC. On a failed save, they suffer a number of dice of fire damage equal to the spell's level - d6s if the final state is boiling mud, d10s for molten rock, or d12s for molten metal. For example, a first level spell that creates loose earth or mud would deal 1d6, while a 5th level spell that transmutes stone would deal 5d10 fire damage.   A small quantity of matter cools and solidifies immediately after spellcasting. A large quantity, enough to fill at least a 5 ft. cube, stays hot enough to deal damage for the duration of the spell or until it cools, which happens at the beginning of your turn after a number of rounds equal to the level of the spell, and counts as difficult terrain until cooling.
Item type
Jewelry / Valuable


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