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Session 1 - Tracking the Gnolls - Diiroehn's Letters

Madam Governor,   I’d hoped our expedition to route the gnoll raiders would have been more fruitful, though it seems the matter may have been more complicated than we had initially expected. Although we have traced the most recent raids to the Lisgor clan, a family of gnolls several days to the north, reports from two of the beasts – one interrogated after a brief battle, the other found abandoned by his tribe – both confirm an attempt to unify the gnoll clans under one leader, identified as Zeniir. It is Zeniirs intention to continue raiding land to the south, Westport included, with the coordinated might of as many gnolls as he can muster.   Vrind was found abandoned by his tribe after he had refused to hand over leadership to Zeniir. I have offered him safety and shelter for the time being among us as the information he can offer may prove vital in properly protecting ourselves from future attacks. As we appear to have little in the way of a city watch I shall be taking it upon myself to oversee its formation. Missives have already been written to a small number of trusted watchmen in Sharn, which with your permission I will leave with Boris to oversee delivery. I see no value in stunting progress by drawing from our limited pool of explorers, academics and craftsmen to fill watch posts.   Although the gnolls appear to be responsible for raiding the town, they lay blame for the initial attacks and disappearance of the populace on the Vulkoori, drow living in the forests to the south. Shivaren gathered this information, should you require details she may be able to provide them, though there is something about a singular drow living between us and the Vulkoori that makes me wary.   Should you require further debrief, you know where to find me.   D.A.K         Dr Chiselchip,   Enclosed in the accompanying parcel are findings from our recent expedition to the north. A tower built into a cliffside uncovered some items presumably of giant origin, though as our intention was to track gnoll raiding parties we had neither the time nor the necessary equipment to properly excavate or examine these items.   The coins, as well as what appears to be a slate ledger, include several repeating terms - “Issued Council Free City”, as well as reference to one “Scora Bael”. Though I’ll admit my understanding of giant speak is more conversational, and of a more modern dialect.   The segments of glass appear to be part of a larger art piece, it is the parties hope that cataloguing and reassembling this item may fall into your area of expertise. I’ve drawn out the towers location should you wish to return to the site, and am quite happy to provide escort should you prefer.   D.A.K   P.S: Though I’ve quickly learned not to trust the word of Gnolls, they seem insistent that the town, as well as the statue, are under some manner of curse. Though I wouldn’t be surprised if the dogmen are just fearful of the machines of modern society.


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