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Session 29 - The Beacon Festival - Zellandria's Notes

General Summary

WEST ISLES DND 2/1/20 First D&D of the year!   In person with all the people!   Ayyy!   Back in Beacon after we returned from the Foundry and the other group from speaking with the Iltani (sp?)   Oh yeah and the gnolls are like 4-6 days out from the town I’m sure that’s fine.   9 of us are hanging out in the war room reporting on the gnoll-vasion   Delara: Thank you all for joining me here today, being honest, this isn’t going to be the usual request from me but you’re all very competent and I need a hand.   Deborah: Uh.. Yes! Thank you for your vote of confidence.   Delara: The gnolls are approaching and the villagers are stressed and morale is low.   Oh yeah, I forgot there’s more than like 15 people that live in the town.   My bad.   Delara: So I was thinking of perhaps of organsing an event to keep everyone going and.. Distracted.. From.. impending war…So i’d like to introduce you to some of our support team. The town’s premier event’s planner-   Diiroehn: I believe you’ve all met me..   Delara: Er.. This is - Able   A halfling man enters wearing a fancy coat.   Able: Hey hi ho everyone all I’m Able d’Ghallanda! I’ve had a long line of experience with the Golden Dragon Inn up north! So anyway you look like a handsome and qualified group of individuals so i’m looking forward to this venture! What the heck are we going to be celebrating?   Elenora: Perhaps we could have some kind of event where we sit and quietly count grains of sand on a beach or the number of pebbles in a river?   A tall human man with red hair enters the building.   Hector: I’ve met many of you before, mostly i’m in construction but i have experience managing people. From what I’ve been told we’re likely to be feeding 500 people and providing entertainment.. So.. If anyone want to help with the personnel..   Deborah: So you’re after resourceful humans to help with human resources.. Or… elves.. Or.. humanoids..   So Delara mentions she’s going to give out 1k to keep track of event funds   Zell volunteers because Zaph momentarily forgets she’s not playing Zythi   Steve retains control of the money.   Able: So we need some people   Another man, half elven with blonde hair enters: Under NO circumstances are we inviting the natives   Cade, head of Diiroehn’s town security.   And he’s a racist.   Cade: I think we should have people on the walls and not having these festivities.   Rakki: How about we have like, a cage and label it as “VIP” and then we put some of the people in there and we just keep them off to the side   Zell: There’s a VIP area?   Forge: No exclusions! We are welcoming.   Delara: Finally we need some entertainment   Hettie: And … fireworks?   Hector groans and hands her a stack of paperwork.   Delara: Finally, we need to get the word out to the townsfolk..   Forge: Are there enough tables and chairs for some 500 people?   The music got really inspiring here for a moment   Delara: I..will leave that up to you.   FESTIVE HOLIDAY TASKS   Find staff to hire Choose the Holiday Invite Guests Organise Entertainment Get word out to the town   Able: I think we need to decide what we’re celebrating, first up!   Cornelius: I think we need to have a consistent theming for the celebration   Forge: From my perspective I think the people should be taking pride and bring forward the pride they share in their work.   Zell: So like, a talent contest?   Forge: I mean, like, bringing forth the fruits of their labour! Bring us the largest pumpkin they have grown.   Elenora: Forge dear, I think it might be hard to bring forth a pumpkin in three days   Diiroehn: And then we’d eat them.   Religion check   7   Forge suggests the harvest festival?   Zell mentions that she is the winner of the most generous sash 3 years running back home   Deborah: Perhaps we rebrand an event from the north and take a bunch of traditions.. Similar to the fact the name   Cornelius: Yes, take elements from existing holidays and create our own.   Currently there’s an event about celebrating learning and graduation   Another one that the Silver Flame celebrate and there’s something about no eating during the day and then partying all night   There’s a small religious sect called the “Blood of Vol” that are like, hey there’s no afterlife so let’s party or something I don’t know I wasn’t typing fast enough to keep u to track with the notes   It’s called “Revelation Day” where they all take a blood pact and bleed into a cup and then   Elenora pitches the event goal to be about remembering those who we have lost, sitting down together and writing our histories   Abel thinks this is sounding like a big funeral   Verusa suggests creating a mural to honor those   Perhaps we take a more somber approach during the day? Then at night we get riggedy riggedy wrecked.   Cornelius proposes spending the next three days creating goon   How about we write a wish on a piece of paper then tie it to an animal and then at the end of the day if the animal eats the paper then your wish will come true   Deborah: I was suggesting the festival of “Dancing Lights”   Rakki: But we’re in Beacon. Why not the festival of Beacon?   Verusa: We’re here for shards, perhaps a festival of reflection?   She takes out a piece of dragonglass and holds it up to the light and it refracts into a shower of lights   The festival of reflection?   THE FESTIVAL OF REFLECTION.   We got through that in 40 minutes, that was pretty good.   Maybe we’re still going to workshop that.   Cade has his head in his hands.   Cade: Have we dropped the whole idea of inviting people to this?   Abel: No no no! We need to get some people in!   Cade: Ughhhghghghhghhhh   Deborah and Rakki consider inviting Kevran - a vulkoori druid who doesn’t entirely want to murder them but that’s probs too far out to get them here in time maybe? They tried to poison them.   The giants are a few days walk away? maybe?   There’s a group of not murder hungry gnolls about 2 days away in the wetlands - The Mezerre clan   Oh yeah the earth elementals! Let’s invite Maaaaaaaarl!   Forge suggests we invite the earth elementals at night so they don’t all freak out about falling into the sky   The sea devils?   Maybe Forge goes into the ocean and walks for three days to find them and invite them?   He’d rather be building tables and chairs   Perhaps we give everyone a wristband or a stamp at the gate for who is attending the party?   Verusa suggests creating a dragonshard pendant for everyone as both a party favour   Zell requests hers be shaped into a tiara because you can’t throw a party without a tiara   Cade: Are we inviting the Rusheme giants?   Deborah: I mean, they DO suffer from the madness of crowds?   Cornelius: I’m sorry, what?   Elenora: We should extend an invite to the Sea Devils, we left on friendly terms with them and offered an exchange for culture and knowledge…   Cade: Well. at least we’re not inviting the Vulkoori..   Man he racis.   Forge: If we are looking to make this about celebrating the fruits of our labour, perhaps we have people donate a plate of food or their time to creating something to keep them distracted?   Rakki: Why don’t we throw all the gifts into the river and those ones are the best swimmers can get the prizes?   Diiroehn: The river is full of spikes.   Forge: Why do people need prizes?   Abel: They need prizes.   Hector: What was being said about competitive food growing?   Forge: So those who contribute their time can be included and celebrated?   Elenora: How about a fishing contest?   Rakki: Ok ok ok, but no walking into the ocean and catching the fish with your hands   Forge: This is racist.   OK SO A FISHING CONTEST?   A fishing contest? A talent contest and a gift giving competition.   Rakki pitches his predator/prey game concept again and we all shut him down   Cornelius: We’re still lacking cohesiveness with the theme of the event   So anyway we’re going to also have a raffle   Forge took that stamping press from the not a submarine   Verusa: KEep it simple, good food and music and people will entertain themselves. Towards the end of the evening the governor gives a speech and draws raffle tickets   Rakki: How about a march or something?   Cade: NO! We have 29 people in the watch!   Diiroehn: No, we’re not doing this. Alright alright alright   So it’s the afternoon or something let’s get down to business   Cornelius is going to try to distill alcohol   Zellandria is going to be the flavour consultant for the drinks   Verusa and Deborah are going to work on the mural construction   Elenora suggests embedding the lectern spheres into the wall   Rakki is going to maybe be in charge of inviting and alerting the townsfolk   Zell has calligrapher’s tools so she’s going to actually put them to use and write the formal invitations in an elegant script   If someone brings a dish they get two raffle tickets.       --------------   ROLL INITIATIVE   Zell: NATURAL 20 22.. ah fuck. Elenora: 20 Forge: 18 Rakki: 17 Diiroehn: 17 Verusa: 16 Deborah: 13 Cornelius: 9 Hettie: 3   Super ok so Zell is up first fuck   Heading home in the afternoon Zellandria has to get into the zone for creativity so she settles down and has Hermentrude brew her a pot of tea and lining up all her pens and inks.   It is now evening.   Zell calmly writes out dozens of hand written invitations.   She sends for Rakki to meet her at her residence and hands him the pile of elegantly written invitations and larger posters to be displayed in town.   -----   Elenora consults Hector to see if he can send some feelers out to approach the   Elenora starts following up on leads in town for musical talents in town   Roll investigation with Charisma?   NATURAL 20   So.. 27.   She heads through the town and goes from the Glass Anchor to the Lighthouse Tavern where she meets Ee, who is a trained singer and bard.   Elenora tracks down a talented violinist who frequents the Glass Anchor   Elenora: Anyone suitable for percussion? That’s an easy instrument to improvise?   A human woman: I’m very talented on the drums.. Get me some and I’ll keep up a good rhythm?   Elenora: Would it be possible to improvise on other devices? I hear improvised music is very modern.   Next stop she tries to persuade the Violinist Violinist: I mean, I AM a professional and I am used to being paid..   Elenora: Of course! We do have a budget.. But.. er.. When I started out at the university we did something called an “internship”   He sighs.   Violinist: How good is this raffle..?   Elenora: Most excellent. There will be very inebriated guests so you’re very welcome to canvas the community there for future paid work! It’s all very modern!   All the creatives at the table groan in shared pain.   Violinist: I.. er.. Oh. I mean.. Maybe we’ll do this just once?   Elenora: As long as you turn up and adhere to the roster I’ve been provided..   Violinist: Oh.. I guess if you’re in charge of the musicians then.. We can try..   Elenora: Perhaps I can loan you some sheet music? I have a lovely collection of sheet music, some fantastic dirges, funerary songs.. All wonderfully traditional.   He dies a little inside and takes the sheet music.   ---   Forge has been approached by Cornelius to create some larger scale brewing equipment   Cornelius knows goddamn everything with a 32 check for designing the schematics and gives that to Forge to begin work on them.   ---   Rakki has a few hours before Zell calls on him to give him the posters and decides to lure some children with candy and high fives.   Ilalai is recruited to cast sending briefly   She spends a few sendings to send word to several key groups we’ve dealt with -   Ilalai: Greetings, Leggate Rinza. I am Ilalai of Beacon. We have invited you to our formal celebration in 3 days time.   Meanwhile Rakki.   Rakki approaches a group of kids who are playing ball in the street.   Oh no.   Rakki: Hey kids! You all wanna play a game? I can give you some sweets you know! Come hang out with me!   The 6 year old stomps over and demands that Rakki joins his team   The children fight over who gets the tall weird shifter dude   Rakki: How bout I give you a little bit of a magic spell to make you stronger so it’s even?   6 yr old boy: Are you a wizard?   Girl: Mum says we shouldn’t play games with strangers.   Rakki: Oh, hey sorry, I’m Rakki! Does your mum want to come play ball too?   Girl: Me mum’s on a boat right now   Rakki: Well neat, does she want to come to the festival?   Girl: There’s a festival?   Rakki: Oh yea! Whoever wins this game will get a prize at the festival on Wednesday   Boy: I hate going to festivals, mum and dad always make me stand there when people talk for ages and then we go home   Rakki: Oh yeah but then this one will be fun and we can play games and there’s stuff to do!   Boy: Mum never let’s us play though. I’d rather a football festival.   SHIT, WHY DIDN’T WE HIRE THIS KID TO PLAN THE EVENT?   Rakki: I mean we could have our own football festival..   Dude please stop trying to gather the children   About now Rakki tries a different tack.   Jesus, he's really determined to raise an amber alert in the town today   He looks over to the docks where there’s seagulls flying around   Rakki: Heyyy hey gulls! Want to do a trick for a little bit of food? Anyone hungry? You hungry?   Animal handling check   NATURAL ONE.   The seagulls swoop him.   8 land on him and peck at his head and arms.   Rakki feels some droppings slide down his back.   Small boy without a name: WHY ARE THERE SEAGULLS ON YOUUUUUUU   I don’t know girl, we are all asking the same question.   Rakki: Right ok these birds are making look bad   He casts channel divinity: charm animals on the goddamn seagulls because he’s determined to impress these small children   Rakki: There we go! Now did you kids want to feed the seagulls?   Little Boy: I hate gulls. Why do you have a tail? Are you a werewolf? I thought they were all dead?   Rakki: Nah I ain’t one of those, they’re just things your dad says to scare you   The woman from the boat comes over carrying a large fish: OLIVER! WHAT ARE YOU DOING. WHO IS THIS?!   Rakki: Oh heck, er, um.. Don’t worry.. I just was.. er..   He casts:   CALM EMOTIONS   Oh jeez   The aggressive woman blinks and lowers her fish: Oh.. er.. We should go now..   Rakki: I’m sorry, lovely fish by the way. See you at the festival on Wednesday!   He sprints away to Zell’s house to get the posters and formal invitations.   ------   Diiroehn: Hi. Maarl? Where.. Where is Maarl?   Ma’rl: It’s good to see you!   Dii: I think it is.   Marl: Have you come to help us with our construct problem?   Dii: No, there is another matter at hand   Mrrl: Oh no, what has gone wrong?   Dii: We’re having a festival in the town.   Myrl: What’s a festival?   Dii: A festival is a gathering in our community where we come together and celebrate.   Marl’s eyes light up: We.. we’re in your community?   Dii: Er.. As far as I can say?   Marrrrl: Can the cobbles come?   Dii: I wasn’t expressly told that they couldn’t..   Mirl: They’re not very clever. They’re small and get scared easily..   Dii: I could say the same for my friends..   Marul: that’s ok! They are all still individuals but they like to swarm together and are sturdy!   Dii: Yeah ok why not   Maaaaaarl: Thank you so much, Diiroehn! When is it?   Dii: Er.. it’s in a couple of.. Days.. we’ll.. We’ll get you.   Mrl: Thank you thank you!   Dii: Do you.. Er.. eat.. Rocks?   Mrrrl: Rocks and metal?   Dii: I will .. have our blacksmith.. Prepare a platter for you..   Maal: This is really nice! Thank you!   Dii: Just one more thing.. Keep the cobbles away from Rakki   Maarr-l: What’s a Rakki?   Dii: you’ll know him when you see him.   Mmmmarl: I don’t know if you noticed but Calcite and Gypsum are very worried about being in the outside…   Dii: We’ll be having some festivities inside as well.. They can stay in there?   Marl: Lovely! I’ll send a cobble if we do not see you in time   Dii: Marl, before I go, how many cobbles are there?   Marrrrl: 843.   843 COBBLES IS CANON NOW.   Marl: I can make more? Is that not enough?   Dii: Err.. It’s ok.. Thanks..   He awkwardly leaves and climbs back up through the caves to the main town.   -----   Verusa starts to search for a place to set up for her mural   She wanders into the centre of town and looks around the main square   Sitting in the middle of the area she decides to create a wall in front of the old disused temple.   Bare feet on the earth she starts to mold earth up into a panel that will be her new canvas   Part way up the earthen wall begins to crack a bit   She heads towards the decayed temple to the Sovereign Host and starts to scavenge tiles and stone from inside   Verusa notices Ket’s altar to the silver flame and eyes off the stone components.   Before dismantling her shrine, Verusa tries to scramble up the roof to get some tiles.   Athletics check: 6   Oh no.   The guttering she holds onto starts to detach and she flails and tries to use the momentum to parkour up on the roof   Acrobatics check!   17.   She lands up on the roof top and skids slightly as slate tiles begin slipping off the roof onto the ground   Climbing down safely she gathers the tiles and begins to work them into the earthen wall   After organising the wall and reinforcing it, Verusa starts carving in the names of those lost from Beacon.   There’s a nice space to create a painting surrounded by the columns of names.   Elenora passes by in the square and Verusa asks if she can take the lectern balls and add them to the walls so they can be remembered   -------   Deborah heads over to where Cornelius has started to test his new brewing equipment.   The first pass comes out with methanol.   It’ll blind you if you drink it.   Good job Cornelius.   The second batch goes better?   Deborah: Perhaps we save some and bottle them and add them to the raffle prizes?   Cornelius: We..could..   Hm…   -----   Hettie spends her afternoon mapping out a fireworks display that goes over the bay.   She heads over to Forge to speak to him borrowing the dragon glass slabs to use as reflective surfaces   Mounted on boats.   Hettie: Hey Forge! Remember those dragonglass sheets we made?   Forge: I do, I almost died.   Hettie: Well cool, could I borrow them? And maybe some boats or rafts to mount them on?   Forge: I do believe that they are in the care of the Governor now and it might be difficult to mount them on boats.   Hettie: Deborah? Could you levitate these out over the bay?   Deb: Oh no. Er.. Um.. Well Levitation is a very difficult concentration based spell and I’d .. want to be.. Watching the fireworks display and it would be very distracting   Hettie: Oh! OF course! I’d feel awful if you missed that. I’ll investigate some fisherpeople at the docks to see if they could donate their time to help!   Deborah: Lovely! Speaking of donations, would you like to donate some fireworks to our raffle prize?   Hettie: I can give some of my signature rose scented ones?   Deborah: Perfect <3   They hug it out and then she heads off towards the docks.   As she walks down she passes a very irritated and confused fisherwoman with a large fish towing a small boy behind her.   Hettie: That’s none of my business.   Hettie flags down another fisherman and tries to convince him that he’d get front row seats for an awesome fireworks display   Persuasion check: 7   Oh dear.   Sailor: I mean, that’s unacceptable, we need hazard pay and we’d be missing the festival…   Hettie: You’d be fed and compensated!   Sailor: We would be asking 200g between us.   Hettie: Oh.. um.. Ok I guess I’ll go speak to the treasurer.. Zellandria.   Hettie heads over to Zell’s house and explains the situation   Oh HELL NO.   200G?   Girl. We’re going back down there. You NEVER take the first offer.   Zell: Excuse me, I believe my dear friend here was asking for some support.   Sailor: Yes, we told her it would be 200g.   Zell rages.   Zell: I’m sorry, what? I think I misheard you.   Intimidation check   8   Hettie sets off some fireworks behind her.   NATURAL 20.   Zell: I think you’ll be happy contributing to the festivities in the town.   Sailor: Oh.. er.. Yes ma’am.   Zell: You’ll also listen and assist my dear friend here.   Sailor: Eep.. We’ll.. We’ll just take 80g..   80g paid to the sailors   Zell: Lovely! See, Hettie! Never take the first offer, you’ve just got to be a bit firm!   ------   Forge spends his night creating some pots and pans and harvesting wood.   -----   The next morning there’s a group of people waiting outside the governors building.   The first half of the crowd is freaking out about the fact that we’re holding a religious temple and that the town square temple roof has been vandalized.   At the back of the group there’s about 30 halflings laden down in cookware.. Oh no. Mafaldine what has happened here?   Inside Hector has his head in his hand.   Deborah: What happened here?!   Verusa raises her hand: I happened. I needed to reinforce the temple.   Deborah: Well that answered that question.   Abel comes in: I’ve got the food handled but there are a few questions about payment..   OH boy.   500g total to pay all for a fare rate?   Hurk.   Why don’t these people want to partake in the spirit of the festival and sharing?   Abel: I mean, if you want to go out there and tell half of them they’re not cooking, then sure   Dii: I will, I don’t care.   Dii takes out several daggers and places them on the table.   Dii: These are for the raffle, by the way   Forge: I would be happy to speak to the religious folk who are having issues with the temple.   Hector: The silver flame are also having a lot of issues with the fact that their temple has been defaced overnight.   Verusa raises an eyebrow.   Elenora offers a donation of 20 copies of Dash Darington’s autobiography. None of them are signed.   Rakki donates some goats cheese   Cornelius adds some small party magic potions but they’re probably poisoned.   Zell is magnanimous and generous and donates 50g of her own funds in a house Orien embroidered pouch   Hettie adds some sparklers   Diiroehn gestures to his pile of daggers   Forge adds his cast iron skillet and pot   Deborah fishes out some ancient seed pods and places two in and then hands a few to Verusa to see if she can create someting from them.   It’s awkward. Verusa can’t druid craft the seeds because of her stone genasi nature.   -------   So anywayyyyyy.   Rakki decides he’s the man for the job to handle the Silver Flame   Deborah recruits Zell to judge the talent competition   Zell is convinced with the offer of a “head judge” sash and that the prizes will be hand magicked trophies created by the great Deborah Cadabra.   Elenora goes to assist Verusa with the mural and begins sketching out a very depressing depiction of the enslavement of the elves to the giants.   Oh boy.   Forge has a very long list of things to get done.   He also sits down with the workers and tries to explain to them why he needs help creating tables.   Forge: As this is a reflection of all of us, together we can stand against the darkness and together we can feel the accomplishment of our labour.. Frankly if you were expecting compensation you should be ashamed of yourselves…   Persuasion check.   20.   Horns that we didn’t know we had in the band flare up behind his speech.   Carpenter: You know what? We stick together, we do this.   Forge: There is also over 150g pieces and more worth in prizes in the raffle as well available to win..   Forge and the carpenters clear the yard and begin to build tables and things   At one point he speaks with animals to talk to some termites   Forge: Littlest ones! You are all industrial beans and you must let me use this wood. Up here is much better for you.   -----   Rakki comes out and cracks his knuckles   Silver Flame Representative: You there! Are you with the governor?   Rakki: Uhh yeah, you’re one of those flamies? Right/   SFR: You’re not one of the faith?   Rakki: I’m here on behalf of the Governor.   SFR: So.. What do you have to say?   Rakki: I mean i’m just the messenger.. But the governor has delegated the festival to a committee and this has come to the decision that your rituals can be included if you so desire?   SFR: Rituals?! I thought it was to be a day of somber reflection and then a feast?   Rakki: Well yes! Good sir! Yes!   SFR: That’s similar then to our upcoming festival so it’s not too bad.   Rakki: I should probably deliver my unofficial message as well then.   SFR: Oh?   Rakki: You bastards killed my grandfather and my kind. If you don’t leave now, little man, I’ll use my magic to turn you into frogs and ask snakes to bite at your feet.   SFR: Excuse me?   He goes to backhand Rakki   SFR: I have no idea who your grandfather was!   Rakki: We don’t forget.   SFR: It’s been 150 years since the purges! We don’t do that anymore.   Rakki: Take a hike!   SFR storms past Rakki into the governor’s office.   Well that still went better than the children.   Diiroehn goes to speak to the halflings or to maybe carve them in half, I don’t know   A halfling steps forward and gives Abel a clap on the back   Abel: Look, Mikael, we’ve had a bit of a problem with some of the money.. But i’ve got my good friend Diiroehn here to talk to you about it   An older halfling man with a big bushy moustache steps forward.   Dii: You were hired by Abel, not by the town. This current situation aligns with the idiom of there being too many cooks.   In the background the musicians begin to play too many cooks.   The halflings look disappointed   Mikael: My friend here, Diiroehn. Have you ever had proper Telenter Kebabs?   Dii: I don’t know. I was raised there though.   Mikael: In the plains? Or with the tribes?   Dii: It doesn’t matter.   Dii: What I do recall from my time there was the food was free.   Mikael: The food was from the family.   Dii: And if you were to go home empty handed and without cooking how bad would it be?   Mikael: Not as much time wasted and disappointed as your folks will be.   Dii: Mikael you can take 100g that I will pay half of myself or you could go home.   Persuasion roll.   NATURAL ONE.   Well shit.   Mikael: I don’t think that should be you paying, that’s not fair   Dii: The purpose of this event is celebrate community and if you do not wish to do that you can leave empty handed.   Mikael: 120g and triple raffle tickets.   Dii: Done. Now excuse me, I need to deal with whatever Rakki is doing.   Verusa has also noticed that Rakki has not handled the situation very well.   She walks up where she finds the cleric is yelling at Hector.   She stands behind the cleric ranting for a while and then erupts into her galaxy crystal bear form.   The cleric turns around.   Verusa-bear roars.   Intimidation with advantage.   NATURAL ONE.   Oh no.   18.   The cleric quakes.   Hector: Look, if we assist in the reconstruction in the temple will you leave?   -------   Deborah takes 20g from the budget to create small lighthouse trophies. I assume she melts it down or something, I don’t know, I’m not a wizard. After spending the afternoon in Voroc’s lab working on the trophies and they turn our pretty lovely.   She then prepares Pecorino to be the fabulous wishing goat.   ------   Cornelius sits down for lunch and then Hector passes his seat and drops a stack of papers in front of him.   Cornelius: Oh no.     Vol: Are you from the governors?   Cornelius: I am from her office, yes   Vol: IS this a harvest festival? The Silver Flame also seem to think this is a religious festival..   Cornelius: We have created this as a new welcoming event, religious domination free festival for all..   Vol: Oh lovely. But we were hoping we could contribute by presenting an offering of blood and sharing it around.   Cornelius: I’m sorry? That’s very unsanitary..   Vol: I know you’re suggesting this   Cornelius: Unfortunately your group have a fairly negative public image..   Persuasion roll   NATURAL 20.   Vol: I see you understand..   Cornelius: Can we just ease the community into this? Maybe not a blood ritual? Take some smaller steps to integrate?   Vol: Perhaps we could all try by contributing a piece of food into the chalice and then at the end everyone takes one from the cup at the end?   Cornelius: I would be very happy to communicate this to the events committee.   Meanwhile behind them Rakki is currently getting slapped by the silver flame rep.   Vol: I am pleased that we received a more.. Understanding.. Representative.   Cornelius: Yes, he’s.. I don’t know why we keep giving him diplomatic tasks.   -------   BUDGET SO FAR   100g in the raffle 80g for the boat 70g for musicians Some more money man I, Zaphy Cosplay, shouldn’t have been in charge of keeping track of funds   -------   The next morning Cade is there seeming like he’s stressed out of his mind.   This must be that dude’s first event.   Verusa comes by in the morning with a box and her collection of dragonshard pendants.   Zell opens the box and finds a dragonshard tiara.   Zell: I mean this is pretty nice, it can be my at home crown.     ----   Diiroehn stops Rakki   Dii: Hey, I have an important task for you. I need you to go inspect the VIP cage.   Rakki: Oh! I didn’t know we went with that.   Diiroehn walks off towards the docks.   Enraged man: Can’t you see what they’re doing?! There’s an army coming! This is a sham! They’re going to use it as a distraction and once the army invades and we’re partying, they’ll all get on the boats and sail off on the Osprey!   Dii: You’re afraid. You’re afraid of dying.   Enraged man: OF COURSE. Of course I’m afraid of dying.   Dii: Do you want to go home?   E-Man: We ALL want to go home. We never signed up to defend from a siege.   Dii: I will be on the walls.   E-man: You know the great houses, I know you have a lot of money. You could get out. Tell me the Osprey is not going to be in port tomorrow..   Dii: If that bothers you, I can request the Osprey not be in port.   E-man: It’s not about the Osprey!   Dii: You made it about the Osprey.   The iranian yoghurt is not the issue here.   E-man: The festival is a sham, you’re just trying to distract us from the war that is coming and that we’re all going to die.   Dii: The point of this war is that we need to protect the town. If you believe this is a sham then you believe the town is a sham then get the fuck out of here.   Intimidation check.   20 - not natural.   E-man: The town is real! I don’t mean that!   Dii: I’m glad we all agree. If you’re concerned about your safety perhaps you can commission a fisherman to take you out to sea and then return you once the rest of us are done protecting the town. Once that’s done, feel free to pick through the wreckage of what you were too afraid to protect.   Persuasion with advantage.   Not higher than a 9 :(   Dii: What do you actually want? I’ve given you the opportunity to leave and given you the opportunity to die with us, what do you want?   E-man: For us to get on the Osprey and evacuate if we want to.   Dii: No one here needs to be told that they can leave. They know that. They can get on a boat at any time.   E-man: And if we hide then what?   Fuck me I’m slowing down on keeping notes   Dii: If you want to hide, then hide, there’s a whole city under the town for you to cower in.   Persuasion: 23.   Ayyyyy   E-man: We’re just.. Scared…   Dii: If you’re scared then you can join the other 500 people here who are   E-man: And if we hide what will happen after?   Dii: You might survive.   The crowd behind him has started to disperse a bit   E-man: You’re… you’re really not going to run are you?   Dii: No.   E-man: And the Governor? Or the great houses?   Dii: Fuck the great houses   Rude. Rude, dude.   Dii: We can discuss this later. What’s your name?   E-man: Tavran.   Dii: I like you. We’ll hang out after all this.   -------   Forge and Verusa start putting together some small tents and allocating an area to create some housing for the guests.   Verusa looks around and pauses   She raises a hand and begins creating stone pillars to hang fabric and canvas across as shade clothes   Stone check?   NATURAL 20   Ya gorl makes some dope things.   ----   At the docks a blue skinned creature rises from the waves playing a bugle.   Elenora watches as flanks of the sea devils begin to walk onto the shore.   At the back a more fancy dressed sahuagen with four arms approaches them on the beach   Good old Leggate Rinza!   Eleanora greets Rinza who had upgraded to wearing a dope ass cape because finally someone respects the dress code for the event and leads them into town   ----   Deborah goes out to greet the giants   Waiting outside the gates there’s no giants but there IS a young drow woman with no tattoos or vulkoori markings   Ooc Zaph wants Zell to be best friends with her SO bad   Deborah: Excuse me? Who are you?   Drow woman: Oh heyy, I’m here for the party?   Deborah: I’m sorry? How did you find out about that?   Drow woman: I got an invite? I’m in the right place, yeah?   Insight check   NATURAL 20   Deborah: I mean.. I don’t mean to be rude, but what’s your name?   Drow woman: I’m Dahlia I live up north. Friends with Diiroehn, go check with him.   Deborah: Yeah ok, sure I’ll just.. Go check.. With.. Diiroehn.. Just wait here.   She goes to find Diiroehn.   Deborah: Excuse me? Do you know someone called Dahlia? She’s claiming to know you.   Dii: Do we own cannons? She needs to explode.   Deborah: I’m sorry?   Dii: She’s a hag. Like a proper hag, not just saying that, like a hag, hag.   Deborah: I’m.. sorry?   Dii: was she here alone? Was she with others?   Deborah: No.. I just saw her by herself..   Dii: She needs to be put down now, we need to end her and you can’t go back there, she’ll read your mind now and she’ll know every thought you’ve had.   Deborah: How.. about.. We go get.. Rakki.. To talk to her..   Dii: Alright.   Deborah: So Rakki, we need you to speak with this woman and to go and ask her to leave because the town is full and we don’t have enough necklaces so she can’t be there.   Rakki: I mean I could just go get her another necklace?   Deborah: No no that’s not possible   Rakki: I mean I ok sure.   They head back and Dahlia is chilling under a tree sipping from a flask   Rakki extends a hand and shakes it   He apologises in elvish   Rakki: I’m sorry, for reasons unknown to me, there’s like some reason I don’t know of that you can’t come in   Dahlia: I mean, I’m a neighbour, I like a party and I just live with my mum and my gran and I just want to have a fun time for a change. Could you just put me on the list?   Rakki: I… well..   Insight check.   NATURAL ONE.   Dahlia looks up at him, clearly they’re kindred spirits.   She holds out her flask   Dahlia: want a drink?   Rakki: I mean.. I’ll.. I’ll see what I can do. I’ll let the others know I said I told you to go home and then later you can come up all sneaky and we can hang out. Though be careful not to let Diiroehn or anyone see you?   Dahlia: Diiroehn’s a friend! We call him Big D!   Rakki: Woah ok whatever happened between you two, I don’t want it to be weird, but we can catch up later.   Dahlia winks at him and she hands him her flask.   Rakki wanders inside to meet Deborah and Diiroehn again.   Deborah: She gave you her drink, you let her in, didn’t you?   Rakki: Yeah nah. Though she’s into you, Dii, she calls you Big D, hey   Good lord.   ----   As the daytime celebrations kick in Hettie starts to take Pecorino around as the wishing goat.   She has a basket full of little tags with ribbons on them that people can write their wishes on and tie onto the straps of Pecorino’s harness   I’m sure like 70% of them say “I wish I could leave this island” or “I hope I don’t die in the gnoll war”   By the time Hettie has lead Pecorino through the town, Pecorino has eaten probably about half of the wishes which is apparently a good thing.   -----   The Mezemere gnolls are in town and Diiroehn meets them   They have a few beers and highfive   -----   The largest pumpkin and fish are brought in and then the talent contest happens   Verusa does a pretty dope fire poi display while shifting herself to be half crystalline   The violinist plays through the fire and the flames and with a   NATURAL 20   He totally wins the competition.   Verusa takes second place because she gave Zell a tiara.   -------   The gnolls are playing some kind of insult and drinking game   Verusa has taken a shot and then suplexes one of the gnolls across the table.   I have no idea what the premise is anymore but Deborah comes and lays down the: You’re a disappointment to yourself and will never amount to anything!   She pauses and heads off with a sniffle.   Deborah finds the wishing goat and writes a wish down.   ----   Delara the Governor starts up her speech   Soemthing something stronger together with different traditions and things and differences making us better or something inspirational and then something compelling trying to inspire them that we’re not all going to die   Anyway here’s raffle tickets   Cornelius does some magic bullshit and puts an illusion over the embroidered pouch with the house Orien sigil on it.   Some kid gets a bunch of daggers   An old woman gets the cauldron and she can barely move it   Fun times are having   A scent of cinnamon and popcorn fills the air as Hettie’s glorious fireworks display begins over the ocean   The glass mirrors the display beautifully and lights sparkle prettily   Rakki heads out and tries to find Dahlia   At some point the tables are cleared and dancing happens   A cute girl who looks like Dahlia only human comes out of the crowd and reaches out to Rakki   She grins and gives him a kiss on the cheek   He has no idea who this is.   Perception check   NATURAL ONE   Rakki: Heyyy! What was your name again?   Dahlia: Dahlia   She winks   Rakki: so anyway, Diiroehn’s over there and Deborah’s over there as well so I’ll hang out and then we’ll sneak you out later hey!   Dahlia: So what was that about this about a siege? You guys like, need a hand with that? Me and me gran could help out, she’s like a wizard.     Rinza: Can I talk to you in private?   Zellandria straightens her tiara   Zell: Yeah of course, and like, I really appreciate you guys coming out, I know it was a bit of a way out but it was super nice that you made it. I’m all about us sharing traditions.   Rinza: We appreciate the invitation, it was welcome and it was very timely. I was hoping to ask something of you.. We’re like.. How do we say in your words.. Fucked?   Zell: Oh no, babe how can we help?   Rinza: We’re running out of food and we are having problems making ends meet…   Zell: Oh jeez, can we help? What happened to that key you were tracking down?   Rinza: Our agents in Sharn have still yet to return.   Zell: I mean, I’m kind of a big deal back in the mainland so I could help and ask my people up there to have a look around?   Rinza: That would be wonderful. Also, can I ask about the food? Why is it prepared so hot?   Zell: I mean normally we have a wonderful chef Mafaldine who runs the restaurant in town, which is like, pretty good, not terrible but not bad but this time like, some group of halflings or something took over so I mean it wasn’t what we had planned or something I don’t know I was in charge of events not catering.   Rinza pats her on the back because she doesn't know what else to say to Zellandria.   Fair though.   ----   Hettie and Deborah have a sweet heart to heart and sit down together with Pecorino   ---   Diiroehn is stressed out of his mind when Cornelius tracks him down.   Cornelius: I thought you said this was about unity and support. It applies to you too. Take some damn support when it's offered to you.   Boom.   OK I need to sleep.   END SESSION.
Report Date
15 Jan 2020


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