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Session 3 - The Giant Statue - Shivaren's Journal

As she lays in Cornelius’s infirmary, recovering from her wounds, Shivarren decides to put pen to paper in her journal.   1002 YK, Therendor 29   On the governors request, myself, Zellandria, Ket, Cornelius, Elanora and Forge, took it upon our selves to investigate the old giant statue outside of town. I was wary as the gnolls had mentioned that the statue was cursed and we were foolish to live so close to it. Forge and I scouted around the outside, he found the entrance to the inside, and I found another path that continued down towards the ocean on the side of the cliff. As we approached, Elanora was quite taken by the carvings on the outside and spent much time with forge taking rubbings while the rest of the party entered the statue.   Inside we found some active automatons, still following their original programming. They told us the site was not safe and should we continue further “our masters will be informed”. I haven’t heard of humans, elves and drow having “masters” for centuries. We quickly disabled them the old fashioned away.   We continued to investigate the inside and found a trap door that was in disrepair but had been more recently reinforced with a metal grate. I spotted a note that read “We’ve locked this up for now, we’re worried about security and traps below. If you need the key please see whoever is on the arm today.”   As we investigated this area, I could feel a strange presence in the back of my mind, I could not focus on exactly what it was but I continued to be aware of it whenever it flittered in an out. I attempted to pick the lock with no success. We decided that heading up and retrieving the key would be best.   Suddenly a voice rang out from up above. The voice proclaimed itself to be Atsiss and that he was the statue. He had been watching the town for quite some time. Knew all of us by name. As we began to realise that he was not being as honest with us, he began to grow more and more unkind, saying awful things about Forge and myself. He brought up some painful memories.   Forge had managed to break open the trap door with his anvil, but decided to replace the lock with one of his own whilst we explored the upper levels. Atsis seemed upset about this and threw a bunch of vitriol at Forge. Forge seemed to rebuff him with ease.   We headed up the stairs and encountered a creature that Cornelius Identified as a Xorn. We decided it would be best to dispatch it immediately as it had already eaten through a significant portion of the tower. The fight proved to be more challenging than the last but we managed to defeat it. While resting, we investigated the area. I headed toward the camp that had been left up here with Ket and Cornelius. I discovered a pouch of gold and another sending sphere. The message read   "3 Rhaan - Morning Watch   We've found another one - one of the sea devils with a spear forged in Keht Pradahk. The bastards found it, they must have! Seems like they've moved into the oceans here recently, and aren't really respecting the treaties we've got with most of their empire, so I see no reason to leave them alone. Keep watch, we'll find more of them again."   I decided to hand this off to Ellanora. I also tackled Ket to the ground when she lost her footing after a large gust of wind. Cornelius seemed to be in a way about that, though I am not sure why.   As we headed back downstairs, we took care to light up the space around us as Atsiss seemed to dislike the light. He seemed more frustrated with us now and proclaimed us to be no longer his friends.   We opened the trap door, this time Cornelius left stone of light at the entrance, to hopefully ward away Atsiss, should he choose to follow us. We headed down into the darkness, and discovered a large set of joined chambers. I managed to spot an Ankheg ahead and told the group to be wary. As we moved closer, they closed in on us and attacked.   During the battle, Atsiss showed himself. He was a disgusting creature with a single large green eye placed in its forehead. He proclaimed, “No, NO! Why is it closed! You closed it didn’t you!” referring to the large stone door in the chamber. I asked him, why would we have left it open. He flew into a rage and used my memories against me. He said he knew who the wolf was, and what I was. He said the wolf’s name was Ruvern. He took me by surprise, but I did not allow him to get the better of me. I was not in the jungle….I was still in control. He could not manipulate us anymore.   The battle continued and as my self, Ket and Zellandria managed to land some significant blows, I took his life by running my blade straight through his stupid green eye. Dead, he slumped down to the floor. Cornelius tended to the wounded. I took a better look at this door that Atsis seemed to be obsessed with. I found another note "This looks like a socket? I wonder if there was a door here once; just glad it's open now. Looks like it'd fit one of those crystals we found in the ruins by the big chasm due west, but I'm not going to waste one of those here."   It seems as much as Atsiss wanted us to open this door, it looks like we will not be doing so today. Elanora retrieved some notes and tomes from another room and we headed back, satisfied with the day's work.   As much as Atsiss was a manipulative creature, I find it hard not to dwell on some of his words. He knew the names of my family, and said I had failed them. I can’t help but think it to be true, especially when it comes to Qilirshara...she probably detest’s me. There is nothing I could ever do in this world that would make up for how I wronged her. I wish I could at least tell her that I was sorry…   Enough of this, Cornelius is returning to replace my bandages.


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