BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Session 3 - The Giant Statue - Zellandria's Notes

  • It’s been a day and a half or so since the river started flowing clean so that’s like, super great.   I’m glad the town doesn’t smell like acid or something now.   So it’s been about 5 days since the other people got back with that gnoll.   Hermentrude still hasn’t installed a cleansing stone in my house.   Guess I probably should meet the other people who live in this gross little town.   Ket is an early riser apparently and is into yoga or something. I think she and I would be totes besties.   WE COULD BE YOGI PALS.   Also she runs the Glass Anchor and it’s pretty nice. I think she and I are going to be best friends.   Shiva is somewhat of a recluse because she hunts or something. I guess that’s pretty sweet. Her hair is pretty glorious, I bet she uses a treatment or something.   Ughhhh it’s that Canith guy. Won’t stop talking about his hospital or whatever, jeez you’d think he’s a cleric or something.   Zell gets up around 6 and has a long bath and watches her neighbours but no one sees her until 10 or so when Hermentrude drags her out to spar.   Just got to make sure we’re in the sun and everyone can see her good side.   RIGHT   SO   OK   Like that d’Tharashk who decided she’s the mayor got a group of us together to go look at some statue or something. I’m only keen cause that diary orb thing that “Dr” Elanora found in my basement.   Did she put that thing there? She’s like super sketchy   Anyway right the orb, the voice in it mentioned Gideon. He could be over here.   Oh sweet the river is clean and we can cross safely.   I wonder if Forge would carry me over the water?   I only packed two extra doublets so I don’t want to get them all soaked.   Hermentrude insisted he stay and oversee the house clean up. I am not cool with this.   So like there’s a this really big statue or whatever there.   Whatever, I’ve seen bigger statues back home.   A massive curved wall serves as the plinth for the statue.   Forge and Shiv have a look around the walls.   There’s an archway in the front.   Shiva scouts further and the path to the left drops into the ocean below over the cliffs, though there might be a path there?   Cornelius takes a bunch of junk out of his bags and jacket and starts to ritually cast detect magic.   As he’s walking he sticks a few tuning forks and random pieces of metal into the walls to try and cast.   What is this guy like a wizard or a doctor?   Forge: I could be an anchor if someone wishes to climb?   Shiva: Be careful, the gnolls on this island seem to think this statue is cursed.   Zell: Wait, like, cursed spooky cursed? Like there were ghosts? There were bodies in my basement you guys…   Ket: rumours are only rumours until they’re proven.   Cornelius twists a crystal on the end of the apparatus he’s been messing with and it flickers with a faint glowing.   He catches a reading of magical signatures from beyond the arch into the darkness.   Maybe two? Humanish in height? Transmutation magic.   Shiva raises a hand and a string of sparkling lights drift from her fingertips.       Oh she’s pretty and magical. OH my god.   Looking inside Cornelius reports on boring details like stone and dust.   There’s a rug covered in mud that’s newer looking though?   He looks up and the source of the transmutation magic seems to be emanating from two suits of armour.   They both turn in his direction.   Oh sweet.   They step forward.   Another step.   A leg falls off the statue, rusted through.   A voice echoes from the hollow chest cavity of the suit of armour.   Voice in Elven: Loyal workers, the construction is complete.   Voice in Giant: Loyal workers, the construction is complete.   Voice in Elven: the site is no longer safe and your presence is no longer needed.   So that’s neat.   Anyway no one gets in my way.   Zell pushes past Cornelius.   Voice in Elven: Step back, you will be forcibly removed and your actions will be reported to the masters.   Zell: Woah excuse me.   Cornelius: Right, Zellandria? You wouldn’t want them to report that back to your master!   Zell turns and glares hatefully at him.   The suits of armour reach towards their blunted and rusted weapons.   Cornelius rushes past and goes to stab the statue.   Zell: oh... no... You might... get hurt... oh no...   She does not make any motion to stop him.   Inside the building it seems like the inside of the statue is hollow and the ceiling continues to extend up into the darkness.   Cornelius stabs his rapier into the chest of the more rusted suit and somehow misses the huge target.   The statue creaks and swings its sword but misses Cornelius.   Cornelius grins.   The statue does not miss the gauntleted backhand swing that follows up.   Cornelius flinches and takes 7 damage.   Ket slinks past Zell in the doorway and tries to swing her quarterstaff into the mace wielding but the wood splinters across the armoured plate.   Shiva in an instant appears and swings her greatsword into the one focused on Cornelius.   She slams the plates and it buckles in on itself for 11 damage.   Zell is mildly impressed.   The mace suit of armour swings at Ket.   It miss.   It hit.   Oh no.   Cornelius tries to pierce the armour again with his magic sword or whatever but he’s not very good at this clearly.   He gets knocked prone and then takes another pimpslap.       Good job.   Zell steps behind where Cornelius is prone in the grip of the suit of armour.   Annnd she could... juuuust swing... Down...   She jabs her glaive into the mace carrying suit of armour but it skids off the plate and misses.   Voice in Giant: your masters will be informed. This will not be tolerated.   Shiva who is the goddamn chosen one lays into the mace armour for another 14 damage.   Cornelius tries to stab again and man it just isn’t working.   Old mate macey swings towards Corney but misses as he reaches for his notebook to write down all the messages they’ve been repeated.   Voice in Elven: The destruction of this property will be reported to the Sulet.   Zell delicately places her glaive on the ground and rolls up her embroidered sleeves and goes to knock the suit to the ground.   GET HIM, GIRL.   Shiva takes the opening and drives her greatsword into the suit of armour and it crumples on the floor.   Noice.   Cornelius apparently learns from Shiva on how to use a sword and stabs the sword armour.   Ket catches her quarterstaff between the plates of the armour and smashes the runes inside for 8 damage.   The statue collapses.   She moves forward and pokes the mystery rug with her staff   Centipedes scatter out.   Gross gross gross gross gross.   Zellandria, make a deception check?   16   Zell holds back the urge to blink out of the room away from the bugs.   There’s a pair of sconces on the walls which looks like the place that the suits of armour were seated originally.   Zell starts looking to see if there’s any footprints that have been disturbed lately and being like super wise she’s totally the person for the job.   Maybe Gideon camped here or something I don’t know.   Shiva walks over to one of the archways where she can see a bunch of crates   SHIVA MAKE A DECEPTION CHECK.   21.   She’s just seeing like, rotten fruit or something in the crates.   SHIVA MAKE ANOTHER DECEPTION CHECK.   20?   She narrows her eyes.   Wisdom check.   NATURAL 20.   She is the chosen one.   There’s something at the back of her mind.   A presence?   Shit man last time this happened in a game it was like an elder brain and I’m still not recovered from that.   Cornelius gets out his magical crystal artificer light stick.   Cornelius: Ket, did you need additional light?   He does not offer one to Zell.   Zell: Whatever I don’t need your stupid torch.   She lights her own one.   So like let’s continue or whatever.   Shiva leads the search into the next room and notices a wooden trap door with heavy set iron bars covering the deteriorating wood door beneath it.   So what are they keeping out or in?   On the wall behind the locked trapdoor is a piece of parchment nailed to the wall.   Can Shiva read common?   I mean, she’s proficient in it?   She takes it down gently and reads out loud: We’ve locked this up for now, we’re worried about security and traps below. If you need the key please see whoever is on the arm today.   Ok sure guess we’re going up.   Ket makes her way towards the stairs.   A voice rings out and echoes across the walls: Did you want to get below?   SPOOKY GHOSTS.   Zell: Yeah what’s up with that below?   Ket: Are you on the arm?   KET ROLL A DECEPTION CHECK.   With a   NATURAL 20.   Ket: Do you have a name please?   Persuasion check   18   Spoopy voice: Many people have been interested in seeing the old Doctor’s laboratory down below.. I am Attttttsissssss.   Zell: Do you like not have a last name? Are you like Madonna?   Atsis: Not all of us are like you, I’m sorry.   Like no, I feel sorry for you   Shiv: How do you know us?   Atsis: Many people have been down here. If you were here for the Doctor below, the grate has been locked for a while.   Shiva is like wait hang on I’ve got thieves tools let’s give this a crack hey?   Thieves Tool check   17   Atsis: It’s very well made…   Yeah ok sure ominous voice whatever.   Let’s go see what the Atsis is.   Don’t @ me, Atsis, I’ll 1v1 you.   Zell and Shiva head up the stairs towards the voice because fuck this bitch.   Atsis: Zell? Can I call you Zell?   Zellandria: No.   Atsis: Oh. Well, might want to watch your feet. Wouldn’t want you to trip on that rickety flooring.   Zell: I’m very light on my feet.   She continues stomping upwards grumpily.   A few steps later the stone beneath her feet begins to crumble and falls away beneath her boots.   For real?   Athletics check!   24.   She Legolas springs up the crumbling stones.   Atsis: I tried to warn you   Zell: I told you I was very light on my feet.   So come on nerds, are we continuing?   Cornelius downs a steroid potion and jumps the gap.   Ket deftly springs from the outcroppings of rocks   Zell: Woah that was super cool.   Shiva leaps over and almost over balances.   Ket: Um, Atsis? We seem to still have some walking to do so I thought I might ask a question of you?   Deception check, Ket?   18.   WHAT DOES IT MEAN?   Ket: You said we’re not the last ones to come through here... How long ago was the last time something living stepped through here?   Atsis: Oh yes, look at the furnishings, people come here all the time.   Ket: Side note, you’re not going to hurt us, are you?   Atsis: And you, who so kindly speaks, what do I call you?   Ket: Since we are, as you said, friends, you can call me Ket.   The voice seems to be coming from the dark void ahead of us more than above now.   Cornelius infuses a stone with some light and he throws it towards the voice.   The light catches a shape hanging from the ceiling, a black shadow, a flash of green?   She shadow moves quickly away.   Atsis: That was so rude!   Ket: friends don’t let friends walk blindly into danger…   Atsis: That’s why I’m telling you…. We’re… friends…   Zell listens to the slab blocking the top of the corridor but only hears wind.   Zell: So anyway, the people that came through, did you like see a tall handsome guy... like... 5”7... blue eyes... brown messy hair.. great smile…   Atsis: Yes! He was so handsome and that walk, right?   Zell: Oh my god yes, you know it.   Peter: 5”7 is not tall.   Zaph: Yep. Also Zell is 185cm tall. She is taller than him.   Ket and Shiva peer into the darkness.   Shiva: People get scared when they’re in your minds.. You do it again and you get one of these.   Atsis: You do, I tell everyone about the hunting party.   Shiva splutters.   Zell: So like, do you kids want to go see what’s on the roof? Or should we just hang out here with this weirdo?   Cornelius goes and opens the door to the roof.   We are not stealthy or tactful.   It looks like we’re on the shoulder of the giant statue or whatever.   A stoney brown mottled brown skinned form scrapes at the stone. It’s shaped like treestump? There’s a mouth on top of it.   A large bulbous yellow eye..   It rolls its eye towards Cornelius.   Gross.   So maybe I’ll just go back inside and talk to the mind reading gross bat thing instead.   Cornelius narrows its eyes at the weird creature.   Arcana check!   23.   It is a Xorn.   Yep cool totally know what that is.   It reaches into the side of the statue and pulls out a yellow dragonshard and munches on it.   Oh he having a snack!   Xorno: Xornic’kru’don   It stomps a step forward.   Xorne: Xhoooornic.   It stomps closer.   Cornelius: Enunciate... Gosh these creatures not learning proper common.   Zell: Riiight?   ----------   MEANWHILE OUTSIDE THE BUILDING   Elenora: The markings on this wall are just spectacular! Forge, could you please move this boulder while I take a rubbing?   Forge: of course. I am glad to be of assistance.   MUCH TIME PASSES   --------   Back on the roof!   Xornoxius stares at us.     A great crashing sound of metal echoes up through the inside of the statue.   Oh dear.   Ket leans back through the door: Atsiiiiiis!   Forge with thurmaturgy: COMRADES? I HAVE OPENED THE PATH.   --------   Elenora: Apologies, I haven’t had to open anything like that in some time...   Forge: I used my battering ram to open it.   Ket: ERrrrr maybe put a box or something over it.   Forge: I am confused, did we not want this open?   Ket: Close the grate, watch your step and come punch this Xorn because he’s probably going to come into town and eat our stuff.   Zell: Yah, like, he’s eating rocks right now.   Cornelius: And dragon shards.   Elenora: What did you say was up there? A Xorn?   Arcana check!   NATURAL 20   She studied these types of elementals in a dissertation over 120 years ago..   Elenora: Hello, Atsis? How long have you been here?   Atsis: Oh for as long as the statue has been, this is my home! You’re so polite, Doctor.   Forge: I will repair the grate and then do battle with the staircase   Cornelius: I don’t know man, do what’s natural to you.   Forge: I fix it.   Cornelius: Neato, we’ll just hang and have a short rest   Atsis gets pissy at Forge because he fixes the grate.   Forge is not bothered by this and attempts to reason with him.   Ket: the Xorn is kinda growing on me, I see a lot of myself in that creature. It just wants to eat and be happy. Just like any of us.   Cornelius: No, I am not like that.   Ket: Oh.   Elenora and Forge finish mending the grate and begin to climb the stairs   Elenora: Forge dear, would you like to follow after me?   Forge: Certainly   They reach the break in the stairwells   Elenora: Any ideas on how to bridge this?   Forge takes his shield and lays it across the gap and she steps across deftly   OK bye Forge!   Forge: Perhaps there is a way to rig up a block and pulley system?   Cornelius hears this, nerds out for a moment and comes down to where they are on the stairs.   Nerds.   Elenora: I mean, I can do it, but it’s typically something you have an intern do. So thank you.   Cornelius blanches for a moment at the thought of being called an intern.   Make a tinker’s tool check, Cornelius.   NATURAL ONE.   Forge: Excellent, I will now pull myself up on this rope that will is perfectly secure.   He does not.   Forge falls down 10 feet to the floor below.   Oh no.   Forge: Let us try again.   Cornelius looks at the piece of rope which he didn’t tie into a knot.   Cornelius: Stupid inferior rope products.   Forge: I will attempt to jump the gap and if that fails please all hold onto the rope and try to winch me over.   Sure man I could bench press you.   Ok so we’re on the roof again with old mate Xorn.   He’s been monching on Seberis dragon shards.   They’re typically used for control systems that can be activated by dragon marked.   They can be used to infuse spells into them.   Zell goes and looks into the trench Xornito’s been diggin’   It’s been picked clean of dragon shards.     Cornelius steps up and takes out a hand crossbow and fires a bolt at Xornaxial but it splinters.   ROLL INITIATIVE   Cornelius: 20   Elenora: 19   Xorn: 11   Forge: 10   Shiv: 9   Ket: 7   Zell: 3 ---- Elenora takes out her shortbow and fires but it doesn’t hit.   Forge tries to grapple the thing.   NATURAL ONE.   He does not. He cops a pimp slap to the face.   Shiv glows and her sword crackles with lightning as she activates her crimson rite.   Xornaticus the 3rd is strong though and does not take damage.   Ket steps forward and twitches for a moment and her jaw unhinges slightly and a burst of acid sprays forward.   COOL.   Zell is like, Ket, we need to get iced tea together sometime girl.   But first.   Zell leaps and strikes the glaive right down into its mouth.   NATURAL 20.   Style points, bitches.   It WOULD be 20 damage but she left her magical glaive back home today.   So only 10 I guess.   Elenora creeps up and swings the rapier out with a   NATURAL 20.   Bleed bitch.   She disengages.   Xornell is not pleased with this.   5 damage and then 14 damage from the bite.   Steve is going to fuck Zaph up because she refuses to play her class correctly.   Shiva cleaves into the dudelit and slams into it.   Ket swings her quarterstaff   NATURAL ONE.   She punches in a flurry.   NATURAL 20.   She punch!   Zell stares very deeply into the eyes of the Xorn.   Zell: you made me get blood on my favourite tunic.   She rages and tries to give him the glaive.   He does not take the glaive.   Cornelius try to stab but rolls a   NATURAL 1.   Elenora tries to give it the poke with the knifey but he does not get the wifey.   Shiva gets smacked into the ground and begins to bleed out.   Ket gives it the staff and with a   NATURAL 20   Fucking BLAM.   9 damage   She punch again   BLAM BLAM PUNCH SFX BLAM   5 damage.   X’o’r’n’ flails. Its flailing knocks some buttons off her bloodied jacket.   Rude dude.   Zell is mad and she give it the glaive.   Recklessly.   First sweep misses   Second gets the hit.   Biiiiiiitch.   We rest.   Ok neat didn’t die that’s pretty great 4hp is a number.   Better roll some hit dice.   Cool cool cool cool natural one and a 3. 8hp back from two d12s awesome.   Let’s go fuck up some more shit   Zell’ll fight anyone.   Shiva goes to check out the tent but she rolls the worst survival and investigation checks so I guess we’ll never know what was there.   Oh she finds a wooden box!   Opening it she finds a small pouch with a brass sphere covered in engravings.   She holds the pouch delicately and opens it.   Gold and platinum sparkles back.   About 60g worth?   Cornelius and Elenora have a look at the crystal that X0RN was nibbling away at and find a very sizable dragon shard.   PROPERTY OF HOUSE ORIEN. I CALLED DIBS.   Shiva shows Ket the sphere and gold and they decide that probably should show the recording sphere to the “studious” members of the group   Elenora finds a large inscription written in ancient giant.   Elenora: Ah this is the same as from below!   It reads:   Adaxus laid a million stones   With hands that were not his own   With a million feet that fell in line   And stepped in time with Adaxus' step   A million minds led by one mind   Like stones in a row, stone by stone   Forge checks the hole in the centre where xornybabyxx69 was digging.   With an 18 investigation he thinks it looks like a large device was sitting here in the past.   He flags Elenora over to have a look at it.   Cornelius goes to look at the wooden chest and finds an iron key shoved under it.   Cornelius: I do not think we need this now thanks to our friend Forge.   Ket: We may as well take that just in case.   A blast of wind sweeps Ket, Shiva and Cornelius threatening to knock them off.   Ket starts to fall but Shiva spear tackles her to safety.   Cornelius totally misreads the situation.   Ket and Shiva get up and crawl back off the arm of the statue and they admire the view   To the south Shiva looks over the jungle that stretches to rocky limestone cliffs and another river.   She notices dark shapes near the river.   Structures?   Ket looks inland and in a moment catches a glimmer of light falling through the sky.   Another sparkle   Then another.   Falling dragon shards maybe?   She watches the path where they’re falling and spots another structure in the jungle off to the south west.   Shivaren approaches Forge: Forge?   Forge: Yes, small one?   Shivaren: I noticed that you slightly glow. Could you maybe light up a whole room?   Forge: Of course.   He pulls out a torch.   Shiva: oh.   Cornelius: Do you think the resident chef would be interested in some of this creature to try and cook?   Shiva: I do not wish to eat rocks.   Cornelius: This is a good point.   Forge: Perhaps he would like to try anyway?   Forge takes out his masonry tools and chips into the rock body inside he finds a bunch of crushed stones.   240g worth of powdered gemstone to be exact.   Noice.   Elenora places her thumb and forefinger on the recording sphere and a voice rings out.   Female.   Excited.   "3 Rhaan - Morning Watch We've found another one - one of the sea devils with a spear forged in Keht Pradahk. The bastards found it, they must have! Seems like they've moved into the oceans here recently, and aren't really respecting the treaties we've got with most of their empire, so I see no reason to leave them alone. Keep watch, we'll find more of them again."   Forge: Does anyone know anything about Keht Pradahk. Wait. I know about Keht Pradahk. My memory needs a new expansion card.   Elenora: Ah.   Zell is tired of all these words and goes to open the door to see what Atsis is doing.   Zell: Hey Ass-tits. We got rid of the spooky guy up here. You should like, come up and chill with us.   Atsis: Nah, I’d rather stay inside.   Zell: Cool yeah whatever.   We head inside ---------   Atsis buggers off after telling us some stuff that Zaph missed because she was busy being sick :(   Going through the trapdoor that Atsis had failed to open we creep on down.   Forge shuffles forward because he’s the most armoured person and keeps reminding us all of that fact.   Elenora looks around the building and keeps her eyes open for traps with a   NATURAL 20   Investigation for 27 holy shit   She looks around the room and there’s a small plinth in the centre which looks like it used to hold a statue of some kind.   Stepping into the room Ket spots a large skittering brown creature. Shiva called out that it was an Anket?   Another blur of a brown chitinous body runs towards Forge.   A big ol buggo.   It screech.   ROLL INITIATIVE.   Buggos: 21   Ket: 20   Cornelius: 13   Zell: 11   Baby buggo: 10   Shiva: 8   Elenora: 5   Forge: 2   --   Forge: HOSTILE CONTACT.   We fite.   Ket panic poison sprays the bug near her.   Ket: Eep!   1 damage.   Cornelius heads into the other room and sees a desk with things and wanders off towards it.   A chittering noise.   There’s another lil buggy boi in there.   He gives it the stabs.   It dies.   The end.   Shiva moves up and swings her greatsword at the bugling.   Blam blam 15damage   It explodes.   Zell throws a javelin   Forge gets acid vomit all over his armour for 10 damage.   Ket drives her staff into another little bug.   She glances up.   A multi-limbed creature with scaly skin and a large green eye.   Ket: Oh, hey Atsis.   Atsis flips out because the door is closed.   Atsis glares at Shiva: It was you! Wasn’t it? You turned them all against you. You! I know his name, Shiva, Shivaren. I know his name.   Atsis to Ket: The wolf. His name is Ruvern.   Ket: Oh hey.   Shiva sways for a moment and breaks out into a cold sweat.   Cornelius hears all the yelling and is like what’s all this then?   He comes in and gets a good look at Atsis.   Cornelius: Good grief. That’s a – insert monster name here I think it sounded like “No-thicc”   Zell: Er, Forge, you good over there?   Forge: I AM THE ANVIL   Zell: ok sure whatever you’re fine   Zell walks towards Atsis and unhooks her glaive from her back.   Eyes narrowing she goes into a rage.   Bitch I will put you in the ground.   NATURAL ONE.   Maybe I will not.   Shivaren twitches. Her vision blurs.   Fists crashing into her face. Other hunters standing around her. Mistakes were made…   Shivaren: I will end you.   She swings her greatsword but Atsis ducks.   Forge goes to break the little bug but does not hit the littleun.   The momma bug screeches and spits acid down at Forge and Cornelius.   Forge takes 9 damage and we all hear the windows powering down sound for a moment as he collapses on the ground.   I’m sure that’s fine.   Atsis snarls: You’re going to fail here, Shiv, just like you failed Sindel, like you failed Alshara   Con save.   3.   Oh no.   Shiv wretches for a second and black veins pulse under her skin.   7 necrotic damage.   Zell rage swings at Atsis, hits and deals 14 damage.   Cornelius steps forward and somehow hits the large bug with his rapier.   He deals 12 damage!   Elenora takes her bow off her back and aims for the acid gland in the back of its open mouth.   The arrow pierces through the neck for 9 damage and the big ol’ bug screeches and curls up on its back.   It ded.   Forge makes a death save   18.   He is the anvil.   Ket fuck him up.   She tries to piñata him but misses :(   Atsis: And you, you think you can do good? The best you had a hundred thousand years ago.   His green eye rolls and locks onto Ket and she makes a con save.   Atsis: OPEN THE DOOR.   Zell: Look, I’m going to need you to stop for a second. Ok? It’s like super rude to yell at people.   She swings her glaive through his shoulder and cleaves off his arm.   Shiv screams: OPEN IT YOURSELF.   She swings the greatsword straight into Atsis’ stupid green eye   Atsis screeches and crumples, light fading from his big ol’ eye.   After the frenzy ends and Atsis dies Cornelius stabilises Ket and treats Forge’s wounds.   Shiva goes and looks at the enormous door, there’s a slab of stone that’s covered in fine engraving.   A piece of parchment tacked to the indent in the stone wall reads “this looks like a socket, I wonder if there was a door here once? It looks like it would fit one of the crystals from the west. Not going to waste that here though”   Like, do you kids want to put a crystal in that? Because I’ll fight anyone.   After a moment Forge reboots and is able to heal Ket for 1hp.   Elenora has been eyeing off the documents on the table and then performs the patented Elenora sweep of all the goods into her bag.   Somewhere across the multiverse a shardmind lawyer is indignant and threatening legal action.   Elenora only feels a slight shiver down her spine.   Forge: Before we go, I would like to inspect this stone door.   He rolls with his mason’s tools.   NATURAL 1.   That’s cool he had advantage   NATURAL 2.   Neat.   It’s definitely solidly made.   Cornelius has been casting detect magic and senses the area around the door   The socket on the glows with abjuration magic   Forge tries to identify the door.   It is a door.   Forge tries to identify the door socket   It is glowing with slight magic.   Cornelius: Perhaps we will have to investigate that site to the west?   Forge: Failing that I have a battering ram.   Indeed.   Maybe after a sleep.   Time to head back to town.   Bitch better have my money.


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