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Session 30 - Iltani Diplomacy - Rakki's Notes

General Summary

Eighth Session (the Seventh was in person on the 2nd of Jan 2020) Larger events note: Gnoll Invasion, six days coming after getting home.   Note to Readers: Mafaldie = Mafaldine   Suelatah! The Cleansing Ember, were the ones who we fought in the last session.   Shiv, dewolfed at the start of the session. Shiv and Deborah will talk with the Drow Kids? Yes!   Pit -> Drow Boy’s name   Rolya -> Drow Girl’s Name, The two children are friends   The kids appear to have some scratches and bruises’ but no serious injuries.   They’re from Blue Spears. They live down the river.   Kids: “We’ve been stopped for a day or two. There was a lot of shouting, rafts from the sky, everything on fire. Someone grabbed me.” He was in the bag for hours.   Shiv -> Italli can send messages; could someone else give us more information?   The boy grabs a sleeve from a dead body. Pit -> “Sometimes they [put?] pictures/symbols on the clothing”, (incomplete notes!)   Very nice set of Splint Mail, Large Tower Shield, Heavy Flail (volcanic rock, half size of Mafaldie’s head) on one of the dead bodies. A few set of poaches, Fasted Gem Stone with a Claw -> Scorpion -> Looking Volcory, They’re called “Ruby Grasp” -> They’re North of where we usually are.   Italli -> can send me messages, would need an hour. Kids have a Mum and Dad (obviously) Aunties, lots of family. One uncle is Druid (nice!).   Rakki gave a heartfelt speech to the kids to bring them a measure of comfort. The young girl, Raleah responds by asking Rakki “why do you have a tail?” She then swiftly races to hug Rakki’s fluffy tail and hold it in a tight grip. Since it’s “Soft and always comforting” – Rakki’s own words. Rakki is mildly paralysed by it – but it was very heart-warming!   Very pretty blue flower, and paper discovered on a body. The Paper is thin and wispy. Is it a litany or prayer?, maybe one read and re-read over and over.   “This world was built in Fire, ….the stubborn Giants…. find the land of the promise….they taught us the ways of the fire…. in fire it shall end!” – What Rakki remembers. The actual litany:   (Translated from an ancient dialect of Giant) This world was born in fire, and in fire it shall end. Our future lies in the Land of the Promise, from whence all fire flows. In the first days, the mighty learned to bind the flames of the far lands, drawing fire from the air and blending it with blood and iron. But the clumsy hands of the giants could not weave the fine threads of true fire. The stubborn minds of the giants could not understand the deepest secrets of true fire. And so the flame seared their bodies and minds and left them mad. The wisest among them sought our ancestors, seeking those with the power to embody the flame and find the Land of the Promise. They bound the fire to our blood, they burned us black as basalt. They taught us the ways of the fire and the knowledge of the Promise. And when they fell to the madness, we laid claim to the cities of glass. Many of our kindred fell to the madness and now roam the wilds, they worship vermin, they pick at ruins. But we hold destiny in our hands. We hold the secrets of the fire. One day we shall open the Gates of the Promise and spread flames across the world. For this world was born in fire, and in fire it shall end.   Splint Armour -> Given to Rakki   The kids say they’re Maybe 2 or 2 and a half days away from their tribe. They say the river is dangerous, the people who took them got them because they weren’t in the trees.   We head down the Black River, Raleah walks with Rakki holding his tail, rather cute. Pit -> spots a wooden dock and points. “We were camped just here!”   Rakki and Itani stay on the boat to keep the kids entertained/safe.   Mafadie -> went alone, invisible, at a cross-road. A battle had taken place here. He spots movement. Some climbing out, with a box -> looks like a Volcorie man. He moves to one of the roads to the South. Puts the box down. He’s going through the tents. Out of the devastation, he says a few prayers.   “Please do not be alarmed“ -> the man drew his dagger and “this is a very very visitor, time?” (Bad Common) “who are you?”. “I am going to be visible now”. He was staring at Mafaldies footsteps in the mud (Nat 20 perception). “You need to get out” -> Mafaldie “may I show you something on me”, “Slowly”, Mafaldie shows the head of the Suelatah. “What the fuck is this?” -> Mafaldie “A Suelatah that attacked her”, “Why do you have her head” -> Mafaldie “A token to your leader, who I annoyed” “Our leader is dead, you don’t know him” “Who do you think we are? Why would I want to see that?” Mafaldie “I don’t know… I don’t know you”. “What are you doing here?”, Mafaldie “We have children from here, we saved them”, “you’re going to go around, leave and bring back the children”, “Just get the children” he’s really annoyed.   “How you do piss off every drow you meet?” directed at Mafaldie by the party.   The drow man (Ralek) followed Mafaldie back to the Raft. The Uncle pulls the kids in, nods to Shiv.   “Don’t forget Predator/Prey! play it with your friends”. – Rakki to the Kids.   Deborah asks if we can help, “no” says Ralek.   Suelatah are looking for “Da’lunka” -> the reforestation facility, The Suelatah came to the island 12-18 months ago to the Island. The Drow have been here 500 years or more.   Mafaldie gets up to stealthy shenanigans and finds a metre long narrow box. Inside the box a spear, round polished wood, with grips, large flat polished bone. Radiating with energy. Mafaldie hides the weapon with his cooking supplies.   Mafaldie, throws the severed head into the Black River.   Voroc and Deborah fix up the Splint Armour for Rakki, perfectly functional without the Suelatah-look, Voroc notices that it has an unknown alloy mixed into it. The armour fits Rakki quite well! Tail and all.     Con save for the whole party on Advantage, Llalai rolled two nat 1s!   Up the river, we hear a dull rumble of water -> Ended up finding a waterfall, a small waterfall 20-30ft height, expands out into a wide pool. A large pool of clear cold water. Very Fresh. Rakki went swimming in it.   Shiv sees a tidied up rope on a tree. The running water doesn’t seem to have anything in that can lay eggs in the stream/pool.   Deep water is quite pleasant, Rakki finds big clusters of the plant (Lung-root). Rakki shifted to get the plants. Cornelius wanted the plants. Eating the raw plant give 30 seconds of water breathing. Also helps to drink more!   Deborah fished out a small bony fish! With Rakki’s encouragement, Mafaldine will cook it.   Faintly hear something ontop of the waterfall. Loudly shouted. “Kiss my ass” -> looked like a pair of boots. Deborah tries to fish the “boots” out. Another bundle of clothes wrapped around a spear. Shouted laughter “that’s it! told ya!” A drow at the top of the waterfall. Does a hand stand, with little clothing.   Man in the pool is freaked the hell out by our presence. Tattoos and piercing, one ear has six piercings. Don’t look Volcory. “Yeah we’re Iltani, who the fuck wants to know?” -> Shiv negotiates with them, surprisingly well. The woman dives into the pool.   Donallan and Glava -> the two pool drow elves (Illtani)   Deborah redundantly introduces herself multiple times. They look Ilalai like she’s a giant Drow.   Clan is half day from here. Moonlight on gleaming water (their clan name). Skeptical, didn’t expect anyone to be here, since we’re off the beaten track. Glava (female drow), holding back information, Donallan is not holding anything back.   Deborah desperately says “yes!” to sharing with the Drow. Deborah says “penis….” really quietly, apologising to Glava (Donallan’s sister).   Mafaldine is super keen after Donnie kills two lizards to cook. Rather nervous after cooking new foods!   Glava -> Offers to trade the plants, takes one and breaks it and, they grow under the waterfall.   “Steve -> The Beach Episode!”   Glava shows Rakki, a quick clasp greeting for the Illtani. A lot less humidity up this way. Donnie -> they’re an hour away. Glava had a quick chat with the Illtani.   After travelling with Glava and Donnie, we’re lead to a few ruined column statues, very dilapidated ruin. Voroc found a set of stairs, notified everyone and then walked down. Around the pillar, indications it’s of giant origin. Maybe it was a residential building?   Looking down at the ground, one lump of stone is about the size of an altar (like the Banor statue in the Jungle), maybe it was an altar or a kitchen table?   Down the stairs, there is something small moving, two of them? No more than 20-30cm tall. Dark and black in colour, with six legs.   From the Pillar’s, Rakki just saw in the, there’s a pair of golden yellow eyes. There 8 of them!?   Six-legged feline creature (seen by Mafaldine), 20-30cm tall. It dropped its prey from its mouth. Now there are more of them. Young displacer beast. pretty big looking, maybe 3m long.     Displacer creatures! Cat-like monsters with six tentacles! They’re threatening us, because down the stairs where Voroc and Mafaldie are, is all of their young! Rakki uses animal friendship and the magic bounces right off! Rakki considers using the stairway as a bottleneck in case we end up battling the Displacers, not knowing about the young living down there. Voroc and Mafaldie re-appear on the surface.   One of the large displacer monsters threatens Rakki. Rakki responds by making himself bigger with his arms in the air to thwart off attack. With Voroc and Mafaldie rejoining the party the threat to the young displacers is lessened. The displacer beast softens its stance, Rakki responds by putting his arms down and lifting his backside mimicking a playful dog stance. The displacer coos and runs a tentacle across Rakki’s cheek. Rakki moves back slowly and the tension completely breaks and the Displacer creatures turn and leave.   It was an incredible experience! One of Rakki’s happiest moments.   An older Drow lady, looking both old and young approaches us. Tristah – she speaks for the clan.   What sort of person we are is important to her. She’s not scared of us, she’s holding back, however she’s curious about what Deborah is hiding, she’s willing to trust us, somewhat.   A year ago, a ton of humans arrived and then they left! Within a year, they come back, they went to a ritual site, ransacked the place. Took all of the giants possessions. Used Fireworks (as they called them). The wraith of the north asked them and they said they’re “Firebinders” (good god!).   An old dead Quori necklace was given as a gift to Tristah.   She takes out an herbal tea. We can trade Aqua-gast with them (the plant), great.   The Claw of Volcor -> Hopefully more than one champion, once every few years, the Celrics they say that Volcor will send up a blessing. A huge claw comes out of the ground. Champions are judged and taken as a sacrifice or judged worthy.   Shiv is a “nilverny”, Shiv was held to trial and sentenced to death, but her brother broke her out. Most of the clans were Volcor, however a few clans were Illtan. The Black Wolf heralds change, always moving, always changing. Nomads, shiftershifters – anything new. – Shiv “Sounds about right”. There might be a place sacred to him, the Wolfin caves. Down south here, down through the mountain pass, mountain pass goes all the way to the coast!   Down way to the South, 250-200 miles away on the southern coast. We call them the “Fear Frost”, very fucking cold up there. The one with the volcano there. Mountain pass or cross with a boat to get there. 50km from the mountains to the caves, inside the caves is a blow hole, every 30min there is a shoot of water upwards, go inside. Favern in the cave.   Kin-killers are as bad as firebinders. We could go to their meet up, however it’s risky. Convince them that we follow the old ways. We are 2 – 2 ½ weeks until festival.   Talren in the North is the most important, no more wraith in the south. Mafaldine insulted his family. There aren’t many Volcory in the South any more, Talren lost his family. They say they found the body of his wife, but not his kids. Tristah understands defending house and home.   Everyone is on edge, because of the firebinders there is a war on. Where are the firebinders based? Up in the Fear Frost. They say there’s a city of glass? Really?   The pass out to the barrens, it’s too bright for us, we want nothing there. Nothing up north but grass, sand and old giant shit.   Banor’s Pass/Spear, massive blocks of stone. Drawings a ton of right angles. Like a big big pit. A pair of Chimera guarding the pass.   We decide to head east along the Mountains. The rest of the clan came back, they set up tents. Rakki spots a large bird? Maybe a Chimera? It takes us 2-3 days and we follow along. We see the town and settle back in.   Drop any ideas to defend the town on facebook. Rakki and Deborah gain 50 gb each and we both reached level 5!
Report Date
15 Jan 2020


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