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Session 42 - Banor's Quarry - Zellandria's Notes

General Summary

WEST ISLES DND 9/3/20 Oh hecking yes we playing that deendeed   At some point in the wibbly wobbly time line we’re about to go on an adventure yo!   I think there’s some complaining that we can’t keep importing building materials, but I like, don’t see what’s wrong with that at all   Supply and demand, bitches   The group that have been making friends with the Drow have told us about a quarry in the mountains   The mountains are called Banor’s Pass or something   We’re gonna go secure it for the town   I’m gonna go secure it for House Orien or something I don’t know, that’s what I do yo   Something about the Iltani drow who are more peaceful than the Vulkoori or something   They live in the rainforests near the pass   Something about Chimera that hunt out in the pass?   I’m sure we can deal with some big dumb birdos   You know what would help here?   Bait.   A fluffy white goat is leading the flock around the hills   Perfect.   The people will riot if we take Pecorino   Though what if this was Pecorino’s destiny?   Forge acquires a different goat.   Verusa lets us know some #CHIMERAFACTS   Turns out one of the heads is usually a red dragon, another is lion and another is a goat   The goat head probably doesn’t want to eat goat.   It’s probably vegan.   Verusa also knows that it has 100+ HP and has fire breath that recharges   Finishing that research she packs up some stone working tools   Elenora receives a letter with a black wax seal on it, stamped with the kings of the Areneni   Written in beautiful elven calligraphy, the letter   Elenora Sekhill?   I hope this me-   You know what steve will just give me this text in a bit.   They are worried about her being in Xendric   Please return promptly within the next 12 months.   Signed by like 8 or 9 people and someone called Cayleth Albrinetti?   Elenora files that away for later   Elenora: Well, shit.   At least she’s got some time and friends waiting for her?   Like .. 12 months.. Is.. no time.. For an elf..   She puts the scroll away and pretends she didn’t just get that and returns to studying with Cornelius for her map making skills   She packs her surveying tools, no sextants   Zell receives a letter in the mail!   She was starting to think they didn’t care about her being out there   Turns out it’s a VIP invitation to the baths   Well that’s nice to be appreciated   Zell goes and plans to enjoy a nice day at the spa   Oh yay, Diiroehn is there   Zell: Can you like, tell me what you’re putting in his hair and like, order me one of those treatments?   Massage Therapist who does not have a name: I mean, he won’t tell us, if you could find out we’ll have it organised..   Zell: Neat. So like, isn’t this so relaxing?   Dii: I learned to relax out of necessity   A moment later Zell’s head is pushed into the massage table   Oh come on   Guess we have to burn the building down   Diiroehn casts zone of truth.   Charisma save   15.   Sucker   Dii passes a piece of newspaper to Zell   Make another Charisma Save   NATURAL 20.   The clipping is from a broadsheet paper from the Sharn Inquisitive dated 2 weeks ago   “The baron and his eldest daughter”   So ok I wasn’t there for that   Legit   That was like, during the time of the seige   OH my god I missed the gala   Dii: Tell me your full name   Zell is still naturally resisting   Zellandria Elizabet Marguerite d’Orien.   There it is, buddy   That’s my name and I’m writing it down just in case.   Dii: I like you Ze-   Zell: Woah ok and that’s a wei-   Dii: Shut up.   Zell glares   Dii: Why would you want to be a Baron back there when you could be a Queen here?   Oh no, this is appealing but also what the fuck is going on back home   But also fuck you Diiroehn and your shitty massuse   /Apologies to Tim here, I keep meaning to fill your epic talking to to Zell but I've not sat down and had the chance to finish it/   ----   Ket apologises for the shitty massage service   Zellandria Elizabet Margeruite d’Orien leaves the Glass Anchor and goes back to her house and furiously writes a letter home about this situation of this some other eldest of the house   Zell imports a random magic potions and gets a potion of hill giant strength   ---   Diiroehn upgrades the town centre   He gets some new people in the town?   Oh jeez this is the beginning of the end   The next rank of the headquarters means we can build roads?   Oh hell yeah   Diiroehn procures some nets   Ok so let’s get the fuck out of this shitty town and it’s shitty massage parlours   ----   We travel through the similar routes pass the grassland and moving upriver, the same way we headed on the way to the Foundry   Forge waves at some gnolls   They wave back   That’s nice   A few days of uneventful travel is pleasant   Zell hangs on to the piece of paper and is trying to rationalise that maybe Diiroehn had it forged to stir her up or something and maybe it’s all a lie or whatever   That’s definitely it   No one else would have gone with father.. Right?   There’s some description here about the scenery but Zaph is busy rage thinking about the whole Sharn thing   Verusa scouts ahead and rolls for scouting with a   NATURAL 20   She shifts into a ruby wolof   She’s a big red dog   As the sun catches her crystal form sparkles of red glint across the rocky terrain   Verusa notices very large, smooth worn slabs of stone line the path   An old road?   Neato   She spots maybe an hour off in the mountains a side path that winds up the side   Maybe .5km away is a gaping hole of a doorway or cave?   Framework or something is affixed into the stone   Yo I guess this is our stop   There’s a vague humanoid shape carved into the rock   On the other side is a green fabric lean-to style tent?   She returns to the group and performs an interpretive dance to explain what she’s found   Forge: Stop.. just.. Stop.   He ritual casts   Verusa: Woof   Forge: Use your actual words   Verusa: Bark..   Verusa: Oh.. right. So there was all this stuff and all this other stuff   Forge conveys it to us   Verusa scouts ahead and points out tent   It looks like there’s maybe a person in there?   Oh heck   Some kind of mountain haggos?   Why do   Zellandria is like: Why don’t we leave hte horses as bait?   Forge: that is why we brought the goat.   Zell: Er… I thought we have the goat to provide us with fresh milk and cheese..   Dii: Zellandria, that is a male goat.   Zell: Oh no.   Sooooo anywayyyyyy   Let’s maybe see who’s in the tent?   Forge: We should go see who is there, just in case there is one of the Iltani   Zell: Did you want me to throw a rock at them?   Verusa passes a large rock over to her   Forge has already walked up to the tent   Oh yeah and up on the hill is some kind of chimera maybe   Forge stomps closer   A moment later there’s a scuffle at the tent and a figure falls out tangled in the fabric holding a sword up   A female drow, not Vulkoori   Drow woman: Oh fuck, I thought you were the chimera!   Forge: Not the Chimera. I am Forge from the town of Beacon   Drow woman: So what are you out here for?   Forge: We are here from the town seeking the quarry, more stone and materials to help build the town.   Drow: My name is Cloudagh, I’m here for stone too but not for building, more for art? Looking for some marble from up there   Oh neato   Verusa is still padding around in her big red dog form   She notices there’s bandages around Cloudagh’s forearms and legs   Clodaugh: I tried looking around there, up the switchbacks, looking for some smaller pieces to take home. Probably should have listened to my parents, there’s definitely a thing. The Chimera. It scratched around me and then like, sniffed the tent and I’m shit scared to leave.   Verusa nods   Clodaugh: I’m not much of a fighter… If you’re looking to deal with the chimera that might be ok..   Dii: If you do stay here, the Chimera may see you as a combatant.. You may be better off hiding.   Elenora: How much marble did you need, anyway?   Clodaugh: A small amount, it’s heavy, but I can just lash it down and drag it home   Elenora: I’m sure you’ve got it sorted   Clodaugh smiles   Forge: I for one think this is a brilliant idea!   Clodaugh: Really? It sounds pretty stupid now I’m saying this out loud now.   Forge: !! Take the marble! Create things with your hands! It is the greatest gift!   Elenora: Have you worked with marble before, dear?   Clodaugh: Only in small pieces   Elenora: Perhaps you should take a bit more than what you need, it’s hard to erase mistakes from.   Dii: We don’t have need for marble, feel free to take all you can carry   Zell is currently down at the cart. If she was up there she would be flailing to get some so she can redo her bathroom at home.   Elenora: Did you only see the one Chimera?   Clodaugh: Yes.. should there be more than one?   She pales.   Forge: How many heads did it have?   Clodaugh: Three. I know what a chimera looks like.   Forge: I mean no offense, it’s just to be sure what we are dealing with   Dii: What colour was the head?   Clodaugh: Er.. it’s hard to say with the dark vision at night.. It could be anything..   Forge: Important question: Did it seem like it had a proclivity for goat?   Clodaugh: I.. I did not bring goat with me.   Forge: I am jesting. I would not assume you to have goat with you.   Clodaugh: Er…   Dii: He’s practicing his standup. It’s not very good.   Clodaugh: So… um…   Forge: I’m going to go fight chimera, you have fun   Dii: Just put yourself away from the bait.   Forge is walking towards the cart again   Clodaugh stares at the slab of living crystal wolf as Verusa pads back towards the cart   It’s about 4-5pm now   So let’s just throw Diiroehn up there or something   Oh no we’re going to have to kill the littluns   Diiroehn talks to his horse again because he’s weird   Clodaugh: I don’t know if I was imagining it or what but I thought I heard snoring from inside teh cave..   Forge: I would be more inclined to fight these one at at time. I wish I had brought another goat.   Verusa: it may be sleeping having just fed..   Verusa knows that they are slow breeding creatures and would be likely to only have one young rather than a whole brood   The goat head chews and regurgitates food   They mostly hunt in mornings and nights but they’re not strict to a schedule   Dii proposes having Tenebrae lead the goat a mile away and then we strike the one in the cave   This is a solid plan   Let’s have a short rest or something and then wait for dusk   Forge: should we perhaps cut the goat a little to make it more fragrant?   Dii: What? That’s monstrous. I’ll just have Tenebrae trample the goat when it gets to the waiting site.   Holy shit we’re the worst   MAybe we’ll just rub some rations of it to make it more appetising or something?   Wait that would have the opposite effect.   Tenebrae leads little Bait Forge off to it’s death   Just look at the flowers little Bait Forge. You’ll be fine..   Elenora casts prestidigitation on the horses that we’ve had pulling the cart and they smell like lilac and gooseberries   Forge and Diiroehn leads the horses to their new drow friend Clodaugh   Dii: We figured it would be in your best interests to stay away from the chimera and you could mind these for us while we deal with things.   Clodaugh: What.. what are these? They're bigger than alpacas..   Forge: These are horses   Clodaugh: Neat. I’ll move off to one of the small alcoves that I saw on the way in   Elenora: Here take these, they’ll like you if you give them these   She hands a small bag of oats   Elenora: Make sure you hold your palm flat and they’ll sort of nibble..   Dii reaches out and casts lay on hands on her, healing her wounds   Alrighty let’s do the thing   Stealth checks!   Elenora: 30000 Zell: NATURAL 20 Diiorehn: SOME NUMBERS Forge with disadvantage: NATURAL 20 and .. 12.. Verusa: 18!   We look up and see a large bulky shape fly overhead   It glides down towards the barrens   We hustle on up the slope   Small slides of rocks fall down as Forge moves up   This is fine   More stealth   This didn’t go so well.   Forge rumbles up the mountain and we hear a change in the breathing in the cave up ahead   Oh noooo   ROLL INITIATIVE   Verusa: NATURAL 20 Diiroehn: 11 Chimera: 10 Zell: 8 Forge: 7 Elenora: 5   Verusa scrambles up the rock slide   Rocks flow around her as she moves   A huge roar booms from the cave   Oh dear   She reaches the top and tries to hide awkwardly   Diiroehn climbs up the slope and preps his poison dagger and a thunderous smite   From the door into the entrance of the mountain there comes another mighty roar   Verusa tries to make herself look big to scare the chimera but it is not afraid   It chomps into Verusa with the lion head for a   NTRL 20   Oh no   15 damage   The goat rams her in the head for another 10 damage   The claws dig into her and try to carry her away but she matrix dodges   She smacks it in return with her quarterstaff   Zell dashes and rages leaving a trail of fire behind her cause she’s the goddamn flash and tries to stab at the chimera but misses because she sucks just like the goddamn flash   Forge tries to climb up and dang he’s noisy   Everything within the area can definitely hear him   We all scream and run that maybe we should lure it back to the entrance   Elenora climbs up and moves towards the cavern   She can see inside now where there’s almost a nest or something and also SHINIES   Dii moves up to where Elenora and Verusa are   He channels divinity and readies an attack   The Chimera sets fire to Forge and Elenora   OH hey guys make a dex save   Zell with advantage!   Cool cool cool a 1 and a 2 cool   They both take 29 fire damage   The goat head rams Forge and he loses concentrating on his shield of faith   Zell’s dragonmark flares as she zooms up into the cave   In the nest is a tiny three headed little baby chimera   Zell is immediately enchanted   It’s so cuuuuuuute   Her cloak billows.   The baby chirups and pounces on her cape   Elenora reaches the nest inside   Elenora looks towards the baby: Is.. that you mommy?   She asks in draconic   It chirps and vomits acid on Zell’s cloak of billowing   Oh no it’s cute   Elenora scoops it up in her arms and carries it over to the pile of rubble in the corner to hide it   Elenora in draconic: Now little one, some very bad things are coming but we’re friends, you just stay quiet here.   Verusa raises her hands and lines them up with where the Chimera is in the air   She draws a pattern and gold threads start to sparkle between her fingers as she prepares to earthbind the chimera   Diiroehn holds waiting to strike   The chimera flies over Forge and it catches the sound of the baby inside.   It soars over Forge in the direction of the cave entrance   Verusa releases the golden web but the chimera struggles for a moment and frees itself from the web   Diiroehn throws his mega poison smite dagger attack   Something ungoldy like 53 damage in that hit holy shit tho   A blast of thunder detonates as the dagger hits and the Chimera twitches and slams into the ground, skidding along the dirt   The goat head has red eyes and is like baaaaaaahhhbb   The chimera stumbles towards Diiroehn and raws and rams him   The lion head bites onto his shoulder and the   BAHHHHHHHHBBB   The goat head headbutts Diiroehn for 24 damage   Zell moves up and glaives the fiery chimera friend   From the distance we hear a big old roar   A darker chimera shaped.. Shape.. Appears in the distance   Forge tries to drop the hammer but can’t quite break its hide   Elenora fires an arrow but it splinters off the goat head   Verusa raises her hand and brambles explode from the ground and begin to wrap around the chimera   It’s restrained by the roots!   Heyooo   Verusa: Stay here..   Diiroehn takes out the big old blackfury edge and cleaves it into the neck of the dragon   26 damajjjjeeeee   He cleavers it straight down   HOW DO YOU WANT TO DO THIS?   They call him Diiroehn the orphan maker.   The red death strikes again   Zell puts the pleated spear down and has a weird feeling as she releases her grasp on it   Taking her longbow she fires an arrow at the dark chimera that’s flying in   It hits yay   The chimera sees its dead mate and roars   It vomits acid in a line through Diiroehn and Forge   Forge fails his dex save and collapses on the ground, acid bubbling at his sides   Diiroehn takes a bunch of acid damage but not as bad as Forge   Elenora looses an arrow and catches it right in the goat mouth   Baaaaahahhahahahhhhhhrbbbb   Forge make a death save   16   He ok   Verusa looks up and releases another golden net out of her hands which captures the acid chimera   She heals Forge and he breathes back into life   The chimera slams into the rocks and begins to tumble towards Forge   Oh no   Make a dex save, Forge   7   He looks up   There’s a chimera rolling directly in his path   Oh no   Forge just takes his shield and pulls it over his face   The chimera slams the shield into Forge’s face for 10HP   Forge groans and is unconscious again   It continues to roll   Next up is Diiroehn   NATURAL ONE   He also gets slammed by the tumbling chimera   Zell jumps on the back of it but can’t quite get the glaive in the back as the it writhes around   Elenora quietly steps forward and skewers the lion head through the for 48 damage   Elenora: Right.. Have at you, foul beast.   She disengages back towards the other pile at the back of the cave   Verusa looks up and casts healing word on Forge again   That dude   He breathes again and recovers 6hp   Forge: nnnnnnngghhhhhhhhh   Verusa runs inside   Diiroehn thunderous smites the restrained chimera for like a billion damage   27 damage   He stab again   Another 17 damage   + smiteo   24 damage   Zell drives the glaive into the neck of the goat head   13 damage   Another stabbo into the dragon head HOW DO YOU WANT TO DOO THIIIS   She steps on the end and drives it further into the dragon head   Diiroehn takes out his leather tools and tries to skin the creature   Elenora moves back to rubble where the baby is screeching and she coos to it in draconic to calm it   Verusa checks out the nest to find any bones and other interesting things in there   Diiroehn removes some pseudo dragonscale from the chimera   He recovers 1000g worth of chimera hide   Zell investigates the shiny things and finds a bunch of random things   There’s a cache of silver coins   A single very polished blade, the handle is a bit mangled but is slightly gnawed on   It catches the light in a strange way with a light red sheen   She sees some elven writing on the side   It’s called “Vein Seeker”   Zell calls over to Elenora for it and gives it to her to look at   Elenora moves into the back area where there’s this whole other series of rooms we had no idea was there   It looks like a giant facility but there’s not any makers marks for the Sul’at League   This probably belonged to Scora Bael.   There’s a massive shaft that would have once most likely held a basket elevator.   Verusa finds bones that are fairly humanoid and maybe a skull that once belonged to an actual lion.   She also finds a single black ring, still on a skeletal finger, with faceted spikes protruding from it   Oh neeeeato   It doesn’t look comfortable to wear but man it’s like, peak fashion right now.   Verusa takes the entire hand it’s attached to   We sit and rest for now   There’s enough stone here for a shipment or two before we have to properly start quarrying it   The dragon hoard has 450g worth of coin and artefacts so 90g for everyone   Forge casts identify and detect magic   He looks over the rapier   Once per short rest it can be thrown about 30ft or it can pull you forward towards a creature that has taken damage   Ahaha   Neato   Just rebrand that spooky name   The ring shows up strangely with Forge’s identify spell   The working seems to be ancient elven?   There’s a name “Ravener”   Tiny needle like marks line the inside of the ring.   It steers blades towards throats.   Elenora looks at it and realises what it is   They’re very cursed. Each critical strike they help land pulls the band of the ring closer around the finger and makes it harder to remove.   SUUUUUUPER CURSED.   Eventually it’ll sever that finger.   Forge calculates about 500g worth of stone   Clodaugh comes up to the cave now she’s stopped hearing the screaming   Zell: did.. Did you like.. Leave our horses and caravan just unattended down there?   Clodaugh: No no no! I left them tied up!   Err.. sure..   We all expect to return and find them hog tied.   Verusa looks over the bones and with Elenora’s help identifies the body of a large Auroch   She can now shape change into those and a Lion!   Diiroehn calls to Tenebrae and a few minutes later the black horse leads a very stressed out looking goat up to them   Verusa scoops up the little chimera bubling and with Forge’s help they get it back to town together   Forge tries to explain to the little chimera bub that it can’t throw acid on people   Forge: You are very cute but only little for now but you will be very big and strong and it is ok   Verusa calls it Saburo   Forge: Do you like these rations? They will help you grow little one   Welp let’s head back to town and do some fooking work or something   Forge: I would have called him “Bitey” “Blastie” and “Butt’e”   Verusa, Elenora and Forge level uuppppp!   Heyooooo   END SESSION
Report Date
20 Mar 2020


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