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Shuulkaal Mk XII Reactor

Wondrous item - legendary - requires attunement  
This arcane engine is controlled by powerful ancient mechanics and the dragonshard reactors of Su'Lat constructs, built to provide power and control to the attached arcane armour. When attuning to the system, you must attach it to a suit of armour which it then magically enhances.   When you complete a short or long rest, you may choose to gain the benefits of one of the below modes until you choose another one. As a bonus action, you can attempt a DC20 Intelligence (Tinker's Tools) check; on a success, you may immediately choose another mode to change to. On a failure, the mode you already have becomes locked, and you cannot attempt to change it again until you have spent at least 1 minute with your tools recalibrating the system.   Upon successfully changing to a new mode, you may additionally select one of two abilities to trigger, as shown below each empowerment.     Empower Weapons: The damage dice of your integrated Thunder Gauntlets and Lightning Launcher increases to 1d12. When you enter this mode, select one of the following effects to activate:
Fernia's Vengeance - All creatures within 10ft of you must make a DC 17 Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they suffer 2d8 fire damage, or half as much on a success.
Shavarrath's Rage - You may immediately make a single attack with your integrated weapon.   Empower Mobility: Your walking speed increases by 10ft, and opportunity attacks against you are made at disadvantage. When you enter this mode, select one of the following effects to activate:
Lamannia's Freedom - You may immediately make a free attempt to escape each grapple or restraint affecting you.
Thelanis' Step - You may immediately move half your speed, without provoking opportunity attacks.   Empower Strength: You gain advantage on Strength checks and saving throws. When you enter this mode, select one of the following effects to activate:
Risia's Restraint - As a free action, you may take the Help action against one creature adjacent to you
Kythri's Whirlwind - All creatures adjacent to you must make a DC 17 Strength saving throw. On a failure, they are pushed 5 ft. directly away from you.   Empower Defences: When you suffer slashing, piercing or bludgeoning damage, as a free action you may roll 1d8 and reduce the damage taken by that amount. When you enter this mode, select one of the following effects to activate:
Irian's Shield - You may immediately activate your Defensive Field feature. If you have zero charges remaining or are in Infiltrator mode, instead gain temporary hit points equal to half of your level.
Daanvi's Cleansing - You may immediately make one saving throw against an effect on you which would allow you to save against at the end of your turn.     Once per day when you would select a new mode, you can instead choose to overcharge the system - you gain all four benefits at once for the next minute, and choose any one additional effect to trigger. After that minute ends, the system's power source becomes expended, and it grants no benefits until you complete a long rest.


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