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The Descending Storm - Exalted

Weapon (varies) - Legendary artifact - requires attunement  
A straight, segmented double-sided sword, bright polished steel extended outwards from a brass handle that crackles with static. Thin channels inlaid with powdered blue gemstone run down the length, glowing with power as the weapon is drawn. When a hand reaches out in the right way, a crackling blue bowstring joins the blade tips together, the weapon flexes as arrows of lightning form, ready to strike.   Once used by Astrapa, the famed general and defender of Scora Bael, and one of the few weapons known to have slain an ancient dragon of the Chamber, it still hums with remembered power.  
One of the legendary Destiny Arms, built for Strategos Astrapa, the last general of Scora Bael, and loyal defender of her people against the quori.     Mutable Form. Over the course of a short rest, when attuned to the Storm you can adjust its size and shape, forming into a shortsword, longsword or greatsword, sized for a creature either Medium, Large or Huge in size. Regardless of its form, it functions as a +3 weapon. When the weapon is brought into a larger form, such as through an enlarge spell, it gains a full size increase in damage dice instead of other smaller bonuses.   (A weapon sized for a Large creature deals double the damage dice; a Huge weapon deals triple the damage dice. Wielding a weapon one category too large for you causes all attacks to be made at disadvantage; a weapon two or more categories larger cannot be used)   Double Bladed. When you take the attack action with the Storm, you can use a bonus action to make a melee attack with the other end of the weapon. The damage die is a d4 with the Storm as a shortsword or longsword, or a d6 as a greatsword, and otherwise functions as a normal attack with the weapon.   Storm Bow. As a free object interaction for the round, you may grip the weapon in your off-hand, and reach out with your main-hand as a bowstring forms of electricity between the two blades of the Storm. When used in this way, the weapon functions as a shortbow with the Storm as a shortsword, or a longbow otherwise, it creates its own ammunition, and all weapon damage dealt becomes lightning damage.   Control The Storm. You may cast either absorb elements (lightning and thunder damage only), call lightninglightning arrow or destructive wave with a DC 17 saving throw, spending an action or reaction as required. After casting one of these spells, you must complete a long rest before casting it again.   Irresistible Bolts. Lightning and thunder damage dealt by this weapon and its properties ignores resistance and immunity to lightning and thunder damage.   Ride The Storm. As a bonus action, you may use the sword to gain a 60 ft. fly speed, until you spend a free action to end the effect. This flight can be used for up to 1 hour, either all at once or in several shorter flights, and recharges when you complete a long rest. If flying when the effect ends, you fall at 60 ft./ round until you land.   Exaltation and Endings. An echo of Astrapa’s mind is still present within the weapon, can answer limited questions, and has fragmented memories of her past. It is possible to converse with her in a limited capacity, and acting in a manner which is strongly aligned or against her wishes can impose advantage or disadvantage on attacks.   A creature which was attuned to the weapon when it became Exalted gains the capability to destroy it. If you exalted the Storm, while your blood is coating the weapon's blade you may spend an action to shatter the sword against a hard surface. All creatures and objects within 40 ft. of the sword must make a DC20 Dexterity saving throw, suffering 20d6 lightning and 20d6 thunder damage on a failure and half damage on a success, the Descending Storm is destroyed, and Astrapa's mind is put to rest.
Item type
Weapon, Melee


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