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The Mirrored Ocean - Exalted

Legendary artifact weapon – requires attunement  
“A long piercing sword, made of pearlescent white metal and enamel, the grip an elaborate basket hilt of wirework and geometric patterns. A guard that shimmers like mother-of-pearl is etched with the crest of Scora Bael in gold, and the blade extends out, narrow and straight, softly steaming with mist and condensation”   On the pommel, a grid of Giant glyphs are engraved, readable from any direction,   Lead With Honour
Their Lives Protected
Striving United Together "       Mutable Form – Over the course of a short rest, a creature attuned to the Depth can adjust its size and shape, forming into a shortsword, rapier, or lance, sized for a creature either Medium, Large or Huge in size. Regardless of its form, it functions as a +3 weapon.   (A weapon sized for a Large creature deals double the damage dice; a Huge weapon deals triple the damage dice. Wielding a weapon one category too large for you causes all attacks to be made at disadvantage; a weapon two or more categories larger cannot be used)     Breathe The Flow – You may breathe and speak clearly in any or no atmosphere, including underwater, high altitudes, and non-breathable gases. You additionally gain a 30ft. swim speed. You can still suffer negative effects from what you are breathing, such as dangerous gases, and can be physically gagged, but can never suffocate.     Spellcasting ­– The Mirror may be used as a spellcasting focus, and has 14 charges. It regains 2d6 + 2 charges when you complete a long rest. While attuned to the Mirror you can spend 1 or more of its charges to cast one of the following spells from it, using their spell save DC and expending the required action: sanctuary (1 charge) zephyr strike (1 charge), misty step (2 charges), gaseous form (3 charges), thunder step (3 charges), control water (4 charges), maelstrom (5 charges), telepathic bond (5 charges) and steel wind strike (7 charges).     Mirrored Mind – You cannot be charmed or possessed, and your thoughts cannot be read against your will. In addition, you gain advantage on Wisdom saving throws.     Subtle Blade - When you strike with advantage, once per turn you may inflict an additional 2d6 damage with the attack.     Exaltation and Endings - An echo of Kleos’s mind is still present within the weapon, can answer limited questions, and has fragmented memories of him past. It is possible to converse with him in a limited capacity, and acting in a manner which is strongly aligned or against his wishes can impose advantage or disadvantage on attacks.   A creature which was attuned to the weapon when it became Exalted gains the capability to destroy it. If you exalted the Mirrored Ocean, while your blood is coating the weapon's blade you may spend an action to shatter the sword against a hard surface. All creatures and objects within 20 ft. of the sword must make a DC20 Strength saving throw, suffering 10d6 bludgeoning damage on a failure and half damage on a success, and a colossal quantity of water is summoned at your position that crashes outwards in all directions using the properties of the tsunami spell. After this, the Mirrored Ocean is destroyed, and Kleos's mind is put to rest.


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