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Tuyere Bulwark

Shield - legendary - requires attunement    
Made of heavy steel plating, dragonshard augmented segmentation, and infused with the heat of the furnace, the huge shield has been built to fold outwards, creating a mobile shield wall that fortifies the wielder and crushes their opponents.   Bulwark. The Tuyere Bulwark functions as a +2 shield.   Hold The Line. While holding the Bulwark, if you are subjected to an effect which would push or pull you against your will or knock you prone, and you are not incapacitated, you may attempt a DC 15 Strength saving throw. If you are successful, you are not moved against your will, and are not knocked prone. If you have the Bulwark extended as a Shield Wall, you automatically succeed on this saving throw.   Shield Wall. As an action, you may grasp the shield, and cause a sheet of metal and flame to extend from each side, shielding allies behind you.   This creates a wall centered on you, 25ft wide, 5ft high and 6" thick. While your shield is extended, the wall moves with you, but your base walking speed is reduced to 15ft. Enemies cannot pass through the wall without succeeding on a Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check opposed by your Strength (Athletics) to climb over or push through it. Any ally targeted by a melee or ranged attack which passes through the wall, or an effect with an origin point on the other side of the wall, may add your shield’s AC bonus to their own AC and Dexterity saving throws.   As a bonus action on your turn, you may retract the shield, removing the wall and moving normally.   Trampling Charge. While the Bulwark's shield wall is extended, you may charge forward and attempt to trample creatures in front of you. As an action, you may move your speed, passing through the space of any creature the same size or smaller than you. The first time you enter each creature's space during this move, or the line created by the shield would pass through the space of a creature, it suffers 2d6 fire damage and must make a DC 17 Strength saving throw. A creature larger than you automatically succeeds on this save. On a success, it is pushed ahead of you for the duration of the move. On a failure, the creature is instead knocked prone, and suffers bludgeoning damage equal to your AC.    You can perform this charge once, and cannot do so again until you complete a short rest. As a bonus action, you may also expend one use of your Channel Divinity to empower the shield, regaining the use of this ability once it is expended.


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