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Veinseeker Rapier

Magical weapon - Rapier - 1d8 piercing - Finesse - Thrown (30ft) - Requires attunement     This thin blade of reinforced steel appears to have been made by drow in modern times, showing possible signs of being reworked from a much older weapon. The polished blade glints with reddish reflections down the length, and the hilt has been wrapped recently with black and red snakeskin.     Once per day, the veinseeker can be held out, a command word spoken, and released to launch itself outward. This is a ranged weapon attack using the rapier, and must target a creature who is missing hit points, and possesses blood, ichor or other vital fluids. Before rolling the attack, the wielder may choose to travel with the weapon, ending the attack in the closest unoccupied space adjacent to the target, provided there is room for them to fly with the sword. After the attack is resolved, the blade returns to the wielder's hand.


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