Sunny Character in West Marches | World Anvil
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Level 4 Firbolg Shepherd Druid / Life Cleric

Sunny is a Firbolg farmboy who joined the Adventuring Guild. He later became a Cleric of Brigantia.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

On Sunny's first day, he met Waully and the two became roommates and instant best friends. Their first mission was to go defeat Thulsa  On his second mission, Sunny went to explore the Flying Dutchman with Peter and Madeline Spengler-Fenton. On the way, he received a vision from Brigantia for the first time. He saw a lich giving the Map to the Ecto-Portal to the Captain of the Flying Dutchman, that the Captain became undead, and a Staff of Healing carved with Brigantia's symbol. When they searched the ship, he found the Staff.
Aligned Organization
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