Diane Watson Character in West of Avalon | World Anvil
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Diane Watson (Dai-anne Waht-sonn)

Diane Watson is a legendary outlaw and the former leader of the four-woman gang known as the Ladykillers. Watson came to notoriety in 5245 IN after a string of robberies and heists, most notably inciting a prison riot at Baran-gal that resulted in nearly a hundred Elvish casualties. She's a crack shot with a pistol, and possesses near-superhuman skill in combat. After a decade and a half of active operation, Watson brought a bitter end to the Ladykillers' reign of terror in 5260 IN. She currently lives in Lystel, where she works as a bartender and cares for her two daughters.

Mental characteristics


Watson is a known lesbian. She famously had a decade-long relationship with her colleague in the Ladykillers, Lynea Galoris.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Through her time in the Ladykillers, Diane amassed a fortune of nearly 100 million gold pieces, enough to sustain her and the other Ladykillers for the rest of their lives. Her proudest achievement, though, was the birth of her twin daughters. She intentionally keeps the intimate details private, but she cherishes them more than anything (or anyone) else.

Failures & Embarrassments

Diane was deeply distraught following the deadly raid on Baran-gal. Her aversion to death left her horribly guilty, and this guilt eventually led to her bringing an end to the Ladykillers for good.

Intellectual Characteristics

Diane is a master of negotiation, planning nine steps ahead to find a bargaining chip to offer in a sticky situation. She is also a skilled manipulator, able to weasel her way out of danger effortlessly. When it comes to creating a top-down plan of action, though, Diane is generally averse. She chooses to fly by the seat of her pants, and takes it on faith that she can make it out in one piece. This makes her a bit of a nuisance to work with, and would almost be a dealbreaker if she wasn't so often proven right about her infallibility.

Morality & Philosophy

Diane only took what she and the Ladykillers needed. Nothing more, nothing less. She believes that the valley is a cruel and unforgiving place, and committed crimes only until she had enough money to get by for the rest of her life. She tried to keep violence to a minimum, only using lethal force against others when her or her partners' lives depended on it.


Diane tried to avoid confrontation within the Ladykillers when possible. She never holds a grudge, and doesn't believe in irreconcilable differences.


Religious Views

Diane doesn't subscribe to any religion. This makes it very hard for her to prove to people that she isn't a shapeshifter.


Diane speaks with a pronounced drawl characteristic of humans. She often sounds accusational and confrontational, as though she always finds someone guilty of something. In actuality, she can't find it in her heart to be particularly vengeful towards anyone.
Current Status
Raising two daughters and trying to make ends meet
Unknown, around mid-40's
Date of Birth
Circumstances of Birth
Amber brown
Brown, shoulder-length, thick, curly
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale complexion
5ft, 10in
165 lbs
Known Languages

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