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Marguerite Ten-Voran (Marr-gehr-ee-tuh Tehn-vor-unn)

Marguerite Ten-Voran (born Marguerite Zala'ar) was an elvish aristocrat and founder of the church of Gorrah. Born in 737 BGM in Valia to a wealthy family, she originally became an adherent of Almud at age 264. She participated in the Great Migration as a missionary, and remained faithful to Almud following the mass entrapment of peoples in the valley. Due to ethical conflicts, she left Almud circa 2000 IN, causing a schism that resulted in the formation of Gorrah and their base of operations, Ten-Gorrah. As the high priestess, Marguerite oversaw an era of great prosperity for the adherents of her religion, much to the chagrin of Avalonii aristocrats and Almudic sorcerers. She became a powerful technomancer, and arguably the most influential individual in the entire valley. In 5159 IN, during the Iran-Sha, Marguerite utilized the full extent of her power as a last resort to bring a decisive end to the long assault on Ten-Gorrah, but in doing so she harmed countless members of her own church. Humiliated and ashamed, she fled into the valley, never to be seen again. She is presumed dead.

Mental characteristics


Marguerite kept to herself regarding romantic affairs, but it was an open secret that she was a lesbian. She was known to foster intimate relationships with the female Anvorai during her time as Ten-Voran. However, she made many attempts to remain discreet with her advances. She famously slept in the same common area as the other female clergy. Marguerite repeatedly stated on record that the practice "demonstrated humility and piety." Nevertheless, rumors frequently milled about massive orgies exclusively populated by hundreds of clergywomen.


In her youth, Marguerite attended the First Almudic Academy of Valia, the most prestigious religious academy in the kingdom. She graduated at the top of her class at age 252. About a decade later, she would re-enroll in the academy as a collegiate scholar, and she would remain there for centuries to come. She published several theological research articles during her time at First Almudic. Her most notable work is her dissertation, "Visions of Om-Andil: Alaban Gorrah as an Alternative Messianic Figure," which postulates that Alaban Gorrah could have experienced similar revelations to Aloysius Almud.


Marguerite Zala'ar began her long and studious career as a missionary for the Almudic faith, circa 100 BGM. She worked her way up the ranks following the great migration, becoming an Anvorai of the valley's church. After initiating a schism, she took the title of Voran in the newly-formed church of Gorrah. She remained the leader of that church for over four millenia, until her abrupt disappearance.

Intellectual Characteristics

Marguerite was a very level-headed leader. She believed that all life had value, and never sought out a war with any race or creed. She was adept at organizing her religion, making sure every member fit perfectly together like cogs in a machine. She was especially skilled at conflict resolution, and never feared confrontation. In fact, she welcomed it, as adversity always presented an opportunity for growth and the strengthening of her relationships. Her vice, though, was that she was too tolerant, often letting foul behavior slip through her fingers. She never quite learned that some people do not deserve a second chance.

Morality & Philosophy

Marguerite grew cynical of the Almudic practice of manipulating vital resources such as water, food, and air. Using magic to deprive, she thought, put too much power in the hands of elves. Gorrah was formed without concern for the quarrels of the different races; rather, Marguerite sought to uplift her fellow elves by granting them technological extensions of the self. She was staunchly humanitarian for most of her life. Famously, she even allowed a mermaid to join the church, something that is forbidden by Almudic practice.
For a more detailed history, see Marguerite's timeline.
Current Status
Missing, presumed dead
Date of Birth
1st of Alithifor, 737 BGM
Date of Death
15th of Forsalir, 5159 IN (presumed)
Year of Birth
737 BGM 6000 Years old
Circumstances of Death
Place of Death
Ten-Gorrah (presumed)
Emerald green
Brown, shoulder-length, thick, curly
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale complexion
5ft, 10in
150 lbs
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Elvinas Archaic Elvinas Mannish Lawazi Orc'al Kuloka Feathertongue (basic)

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