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Simple Melee Weapons

Name Cost Weight Damage Range Type Properties Group
Club 1 sp 2 1-4 Bludgeoning Light, Thrown Mace
Dagger 2 gp 1 1-4 20'/60' Piercing Light, Finesse,
Thrown, Handy
2 gp 1 1-3 Bludgeoning Light, Handy Hand
Great Club 2 gp 10 1-8 Bludgeoning Two-Handed Axe
Hand Axe 5 gp 2 1-6 20'/60' Slashing Light, Thrown Spear
Javelin 5 sp 2 1-6 30'/120' Piercing Thrown, Set Spear
Light Hammer 2 gp 2 1-4 20'/60' Bludgeoning Thrown, Light Hammer
Mace 5 gp 4 1-6 Bludgeoning Breach Mace
Pick 4 gp 3 1-4 Piercing Breach Pick
Quarterstaff 2 sp 4 1-6 Bludgeoning Versatile (1-8) Spear
Sap 2 sp 1 1-4 Bludgeoning Light, Handy,
Sickle 1 gp 2 1-6 Slashing Light Axe
Spear 1 gp 3 1-6 20'/60' Piercing Versatile (1-8),
Light, Set

Martial Weapons

Name Cost Weight Damage Range Type Properties Group
Battle Axe 10 gp 4 1-8,
Slashing Axe
Broad Sword 12 gp 3 2-8 Slashing Heavy Sword
Flail 10 gp 2 1-8 Bludgeoning Shield Wrap Mace
Glaive 20 gp 6 1-10 Slashing Heavy, Reach,
Great Axe 30 gp 7 1-12 Slashing Two-Handed, Heavy Axe
Greatesword 50 gp 6 2-12 Slashing Heavy, Two-Handed Sword
Guisarme 20 gp 4 1-8 Slashing Heavy, Two-Handed,
Dismount, Reach
Halberd 20 gp 6 1-10 Slashing Heavy, Reach,
Kusari-Gama 10 gp 3 1-6,
Off hand
Two-Handed, Finesse,
Reach, Parry
Lance 10 gp 6 1-12 Piercing Extended Reach, Charge,
Heavy, Two-handed
Disadvantage close
Long Spear 3 gp 6 1-10 Piercing Extended Reach, Set,
Two-handed, Charge,
Disadvantage close
Long Sword 10 gp 6 1-8,
Slashing Heavy, Two-Handed,
Maul 10 gp 10 2-12 Bludgeoning Heavy, Two-Handed,
Morningstar 15 gp 4 1-8 Piercing Breach Mace
Nunchaku 2 gp 2 1-4,
Off hand
Bludgeoning Light, Two-handed,
Finesse, Shield Wrap
Pike 5 gp 18 1-10 Piercing Heavy, Two-Handed,
Extended Reach,
Disadvantage close
Rapier 25 gp 2 1-8 Piercing Finesse Sword
Sai 5 gp 1 1-4 Piercing Finesse, Light,
Parry, Handy
Scimitar 25 gp 3 1-6 Slashing Light, Finesse Sword
Septum/Ranseur 10 gp 2 1-8 Piercing Two-Handed, Parry Polearm
Shortsword 10 gp 2 1-6 Piercing Finesse, Light Sword
Trident 5 gp 4 2-7,
20'/60' Piercing Thrown Spear
War Pick 5 gp 2 1-8 Piercing Breach Pick
Warhammer 15 gp 2 1-8 Bludgeoning Breach Hammer
Whip 2 gp 1 1-4 Slashing Finesse, Reach,

Weapon Properties

  • Shield-wrap- Your attacks ignore shield bonuses wielded opponents.
  • Handy- You gain advantage on attack rolls against a creature you are grappling, as well as against creatures that are grappling you.
  • Charge- If you move at least 20 feet in a straight line before engaging an opponent, you roll an additional damage die, equal to that of the weapon's usual damage die.
  • Parry- When a creature you can see hits you with a melee attack, you can use your reaction to add 2 to your AC for that attack, You can use this ability.
  • Dismount- This weapon can be used to pull a rider from off a mount. On a successful hit the attacker and defender must make an opposed strength check. On a attacker success the rider is pulled of the mount.
  • Extended Reach- This weapon adds 10 feet to your reach when you attack with it. Attacks made against opponents within 5 are at disadvantage.
  • Masterwork- A masterwork weapon is a weapon that is expertly crafted. A masterwork weapon adds +1 point to the “to hit” die.
  • Keen- A Keen weapon is a weapon that is expertly crafted. A keen weapon adds +1 point to the “damage” die.
  • Breach- Weapons with the breach property offer their wielders a bonus to Strength (Athletics) checks to knock down wooden doors. Damage to structures are at advantage.
  • Set- This weapon adds an additional 1d4 against a charging target when it is braced and set to receive a charge.
Item type
Trade/Manufactured good


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