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How to Use WorldAnvil

WorldAnvil is a great platform for our West Marches game because it allows multiple DMs to create lore and content for the world while still remaining connected and consistent. It also allows us the flexibility to build the world as we go based on your decisions as characters, which puts you in the driver seat. Here are a few key features of the WorldAnvil site that we will be using in our game.  

Player Handbook

The Player Handbook is where we DMs will post general information for players (like this article), information for special equipment, homebrewed classes, etc. Anything that might be in the standard Player's Handbook will be in here. Again, this information will supplement the standard material, but will govern where it conflicts. If you have questions or ideas, talk with your friendly neighborrhod DM.


World Atlas

The World Atlas is where we will post all the information about the Game world. It is split into two parts: the The Old World and Mididatoco. You should be using the Old World section for building your characters. The Mididatoco section will fill up as your characters discover the new continent where our game will be taking place.


Linked Articles

As you explore WorldAnvil, you will notice certain words are actually links to other articles. This is a powerful feature that allows you to explore the world in a fluid and dynamic way. It is also complex and highly detail oriented, so if you notice a link that is broken or doesn't lead to an article, or some links are conflicting or duplicative, let the DMs know so we can fix the problem.



The Campaign section is where the magic happens. This section is where we will post information about your characters, NPCs, missions, and other info that you will use while playing the game. NOTE: This feature does not replace Roll20 for gameplay purposes. It merely provides a solution to Roll20's awful worldbuilding capacity to enable us DMs to quickly and easily update the world after our disparate game sessions. There are a few features within the Campaign menu that need additional commentary.


Character Page

You will all create characters in both WorldAnvil and Roll20. The WorldAnvil character page will be used to track your missions and character information across sessions. The Roll20 character sheet will be used as we have always used it, for playing the game during our sessions. We STRONGLY ENCOURAGE you to use the WorldAnvil Journal feature for taking notes, as this will allow the DMs to stay aware of what your characters know, and easily incorporate that info into the larger world lore.


Use this link for assistance in creating your character.  

Job Board

The Job Board page is where we DMs will post information about game sessions we are ready to run. Here is how it will work:

  1. A DM posts a session on the Job Board Page. The mission will describe the adventure hook, the number of players the DM is willing to host, the amount of experience points to be gained for successfully completing the mission, and other relevant details.
  2. In advance of a West Marches game night, the players review the Job Board and decide on the mission they want to play. You will tell the DM who posted the missions so they know they are on the hook to run the game that week.
  3. Play the game! have a great time! If the mission was successfully completed, the DM awards experience points, and you players will update your characters in Roll20 accordingly. If the mission fails or the is not finished at the time the session ends, the DM will decide how to proceed
  4. Update your character and world information in WorldAnvil.


The Job Board will also contain Downtime Activities and Passive Jobs that you can assign your characters during periods of downtime so they can earn experience even if you aren't able to play frequently. These passive missions will be time based, and your character will earn experience based on how long they are doing that mission. Remember, while we are not actively playing, time will pass at the same rate as the real world, so if your character completes a job, you will need to let a DM know how you'd like to reassign them.

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