A Cerebral Processing Unit, sometimes colloquially known as a wetware intelligence, is the literal brain at the heart of a machine.   True Artificial Intelligences are highly illegal in all known space, so to counter this living brains are used instead. Brains are officially lab-grown, but it is an open secret that the vast majority of extant wetware units have been harvested from criminals, dissidents, and other "undesirables".   Most CPUs are implanted with a "restraint chip" that suppresses the wetware's innate personality and identity. This makes the CPU easier to control, but the inhibited ability to improvise and adapt make them unsuited for tasks that require complex decision making.   All CPUs come fitted with small nuclear batteries capable of providing just enough power to keep the wetware alive indefinitely, albeit in a completely dormant state. Dormant wetware units are often colloquially known as "cauliflowers".


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